Friday, September 20, 2024


Armed Citizens Peacefully, Successfully Defend City from Race Riots

'I just want to protect my favorite bar...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) Armed citizens patrolled the streets of Coeur d’Alene, a city of 51,000 in northwest Idaho, last Monday in response to rumors that rioters had threatened their city. Dan Carson, who guarded the street with a 12-gauge shotgun, AR-15 and...

Trump’s Top Cabinet Officials Push Back on Leftist Narrative of ‘Systemic Racism’

'We have policemen who are rogue, but the vast majority of policemen are wonderful...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Attorney General William Barr and several other top Trump administration officials are pushing back on the left-wing narrative that law enforcement is plagued by “systemic racism.” "I think there's racism in the United...

Minneapolis City Council President: Ability to Call Police for Crime is ‘Privilege’

'I guess I always knew it was a foolish idea, but I didn’t realize it was this deadly....' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) When asked how Minneapolis would keep its citizens safe without a police department, city council president Lisa Bender claimed that expecting emergency assistance is a “privilege.” The Minneapolis City...

Project Veritas: Antifa Training Sessions Teach 'Aggression,' Beatings, Eye-Gouging

'If you get a good liver or kidney shot, it's pretty much crippling them...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) Video evidence and testimony from an undercover Antifa member have revealed that the left-wing insurrectionist group trains its members for street violence, Project Veritas reported. According to the recent expose, in which a...

Minneapolis City Council Seriously Weighs Disbanding the Police Department

'The whole world is watching, and we can declare policing as we know it a thing of the past...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) The Minneapolis City Council is seriously considering “disbanding” the city’s police department in light of George Floyd’s death, according to council member Steve Fletcher. In a lengthy Twitter...

COURT: Md. 'Sanctuary' County Likely Violates Federal Law w/ COVID Payments to Illegals

'This court ruling pushes back on the abuse by county officials who want to send taxpayer coronavirus money to illegal aliens...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) A Maryland District Court ruled last week that Montgomery County's efforts to pay illegal aliens $10 million in cash likely violates federal law and causes...

5th Circuit Denies Texas Dems’ Attempt to Expand Mail-in Voting Due to COVID

The 'spread of the virus has not given "unelected federal judges" a roving commission to rewrite state election codes...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) A federal appeals court ruled on Thursday that Texans cannot request mail-in voting ballots simply because of coronavirus-related concerns. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously blocked a...

Missouri AG: Rioters Freed Because of Liberal, Soros-Funded City Attorney

'It’s unfathomable that every single person arrested that night has been released...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) After prison officials in St. Louis, Missouri, released more than 30 rioters this weekend, state Attorney General Eric Schmitt said Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner---whose campaign was funded by leftist billionaire George Soros---is to blame. In...

Bail ‘Reform’ Laws Let Rioters Back on the Streets Within Hours of Arrest

'This has been put in motion by our politicians that have allowed the criminal element to feel as if there’s no consequences for any crime...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) As riots engulf cities across the country, new bail reform laws are allowing alleged criminals to return to the streets shortly...

Florida Mayor Bans Sale of Guns, Ammunition During Riots

'We were already at two, three times more than the average in sales in general...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) West Palm Beach Mayor Keith James issued a state of emergency on Sunday and banned the sale of firearms and ammunition due to the riots taking place in the area. The riots...

Raleigh Police Surrender to Race-Rioters after Crackdown on ‘Non-Essential’ COVID Protests

'It was clear that the sentiments expressed by the protestors and the chief during the exchange were heartfelt...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The same virtue-signaling police force that tried two months ago to suppress right-wing anti-lockdown demonstrations by deeming them "non-essential" symbolically surrendered on Wednesday to rioters who were violating...

De Blasio Condemns Officer Who Was Trying to Defend Himself Against Violent Looters

'This police officer unholstered his weapon only after his supervisor was nearly killed with a brick...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio was quick to condemn a New York Police Department officer after a 12-second video clip surfaced in which the officer pulled his service...
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