Saturday, September 7, 2024


22 States Want SCOTUS to Rule on Hawaii’s Ban on Gun Carrying Outside of Home

(Bethany Blankley, The Center Square) Texas has joined 21 states led by the attorneys general of Louisiana, Arizona and Montana in an amicus brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court. The multistate coalition is asking the court to uphold Hawaiians’ Second Amendment rights to bear arms outside their homes in response...

Federal Court Rules Texas Cannot Force Lawyers to Pay Dues to State Bar Associations

(Headline USA) Attorneys who don't want to belong to, or pay dues to, their state bar associations in Texas and Louisiana have won important battles at a federal appeals court in New Orleans. A panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said Texas must stop requiring attorneys to...

Police Groups Sue Minnesota for Law Restricting Right to Use Deadly Force

(Associated Press) A coalition of Minnesota's largest law enforcement groups sued the state Friday seeking to overturn a state law that changed the standard for justified use of deadly force by police. The lawsuit claims the law, which took effect in March, violates officers' rights to self-defense and unconstitutionally compels...

Court Strikes Down Trump-Era EPA Rule That Allowed 15% Ethanol All Year

(Associated Press) A federal appeals court on Friday threw out a Trump-era Environmental Protection Agency rule change that allowed for the sale of a 15% ethanol gasoline blend in the summer months. The decision deals a significant blow to the ethanol industry and corn farmers who grow the crop from...

Supreme Court Turns Away Florist Who Refused Same-Sex Wedding Job

(Headline USA) The Supreme Court on Friday declined to take up the case of a florist who refused to provide services for a same-sex wedding, leaving in place a decision that she broke state anti-discrimination laws. Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch said they would have agreed to hear...

Judge Rules Minneapolis May Not ‘Defund the Police’

(Headline USA) A judge on Thursday ruled in favor of a eight Minneapolis activists who sued the city council and mayor over funding the police force. The order by Hennepin County District Judge Jamie L. Anderson requires that the city have at least 730 sworn officers on the payroll by the...

Texas Sheriffs, Border Agents Sue Biden for Refusal to Enforce Laws

The Immigration Reform Law Institute on Thursday filed a lawsuit to end President Joe Biden's policy to catch and release illegal aliens at the US-Mexico border and to suspend internal immigration enforcement, according to a press release. "The Biden policies we challenge here are as lawless as lawless can be," said...

Trump Org, CFO Plead Not Guilty to Concocted NY Tax Indictment

(Headline USA) The Trump Organization and its longtime finance chief each pleaded not guilty Thursday to tax avoidance charges arising from a two-year investigation into former president Donald Trump's company. It is the first criminal case --- a flimsy one --- that New York authorities' fishing expedition has yielded. According to...

SCOTUS Rules in Favor of Ariz.’s Ban on Ballot-Harvesting

The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld election-integrity measures in Arizona---a decision that likely undermines the Biden Justice Department's recent efforts to harass reform-minded red states and will make it harder for power-grabbing Democrats to wage activist court challenges to the laws being enacted by other GOP legislatures. The case, Brnovich...

Supreme Court Says California Can’t Collect Charity Top Donor Names

(Headline USA) The Supreme Court on Thursday ordered California to stop collecting the names and addresses of top donors to charities. The justices voted 6-3 to side with two nonprofit groups, including one with links to billionaire Charles Koch. The dissents came from liberal justices Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor. The...

Judge Blocks Fla. Law Aimed at Punishing Social Media

(Associated Press) A federal judge on Wednesday blocked for the time being a new Florida law that sought to punish large social media businesses like Facebook and Twitter if they remove content or ban politicians. U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle granted a preliminary injunction stopping the new law from being enforced. The...

Iowa Supreme Court: State Can Block Planned Parenthood from Sex Education in Schools

(Associated Press) Iowa's high court said Wednesday that the state may refuse to allow Planned Parenthood to conduct sex education programs funded by federal grants, reversing a judge's ruling last year that found the law unconstitutional. The Iowa Supreme Court found the 2019 law passed by the Republican-controlled Legislature is constitutional,...
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