Saturday, September 28, 2024

Carville Deflects on Economy, Accuses Republicans of Being ‘Weirdos’

'When you have Moscow Mitch saying we need more sane people, that means you have a lot of really crazy people... '

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Infamous Hillary Clinton supporter James Carville raged about conservatives once again this week, claiming that they have become weirdos who are taking over the nation.

Carville claimed that the Republican party has become a home for freaks.

He apparently hasn’t spent much time observing Democrats.

Asked about Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Carville showed his lack of knowledge, asserting that Republicans wish to tax the poor and benefit the rich.

“Of course, this party, about a third of them are puling for Russia,” he said, according to Breitbart.

“Yes, he wants people that will be compliant to his worldview, which is tax cuts for the richest people in the world and tax poor people, which isn’t a very smart idea.”

He then noted that Republicans are weirdos, and that they all support QAnon.

“But the problem is they are a weird political party. They need to be branded as such. These 26 QAnon people, alright, that’s not necessarily the extreme.”

Carville complimented the moderate McConnell for his comments that the Republican party needs more sane–by which he means establishment–people.

“When you have Moscow Mitch saying we need more sane people, that means you have a lot of really crazy people.”

Carville concluded his bizarre commentary by comparing the Republican Party to people in “The Twilight Zone.”

“We’re getting into some version when I was a kid. You’re too young to remember this, but ‘The Twilight Zone.’ They are out there in the ‘Twilight Zone’ somewhere.”

This sort of commentary isn’t new for Carville. He previously mentioned that he wishes to punch the unvaxxed in their faces for their decision to not get the experimental jab in a profanity-laced tirade.

“If you ask me what’s my first reaction to you if you’re not vaccinated, you don’t have any medical reason not to be, you’re a piece of s—, OK? I just want to punch you in the god—-ed face. That’s the way I look at these people,” Carville said earlier this year.

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