Saturday, June 29, 2024

Donna Brazile Tells Ronna McDaniel to 'Go to Hell' for DNC Primary Remarks

‘I’d be having a bad day too if my party was still hopelessly divided…’

(Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) Former interim Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Donna Brazile said current Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel should “go to hell” for suggesting that Democratic leaders would once again rig their primary against Sen. Bernie Sanders.
On “America’s Newsroom,” Fox News host Sandra Smith played a clip of McDaniel and asked Brazile to respond.

“It does depend on how big a lead that Sanders takes out of California is,” McDaniel said, The Daily Beast reported.
“If he picks up a huge proportion of delegates,” she continued. “I don’t see anybody getting out soon. It is leading towards a brokered convention, which will be rigged against Bernie if those super-delegates have their way on that second vote.”
Brazile helped rig the 2016 Democratic primary by providing then-candidate Hillary Clinton with debate questions
Her predecessor, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, was forced to resign prior to the 2016 convention after it was revealed in leaked emails that the DNC was giving an unfair advantage to Clinton over Sanders.
Brazile, herself, later acknowledged the collusion in a tell-all book. But she responded to McDaniel’s recent criticism by saying Republicans should “stay the hell out of our race” and that she’s “sick and tired” of being lectured about the Democratic primary by Republicans.
“First of all, they [Republicans] don’t have a process,” Brazile said.
“They are canceling primaries. They have winner-take-all. They don’t have the kind of democracy that we see on the Democratic side,” she continued. “For people to use Russian talking points to sow division among Americans is stupid. So Ronna, go to hell! This is not about—go to Hell! I’m tired of it.”
Host Ed Henry and Smith exclaimed, “Whoa,” after her tirade.
Brazile was not deterred. She called McDaniel’s comment “stupid.”
After Henry said that Fox News should have Brazile and McDaniel on Fox News to discuss the Super Tuesday primary elections, Brazile moderated her tone.
“I’m all about reconciliation,” Brazile concluded. “It is Lent. I’m trying to keep my karma. But stop lying about the Democratic process.”
McDaniel responded to Brazile’s rant on Twitter.

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