Thursday, October 17, 2024

Biden’s Big Lie about Midterm’s Validity Undergoes Frantic Spin Operation

'The Vice President is doubling down while the Press Secretary is trying to spin it... '

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USAWhite House press secretary Jen Psaki worked her wiles once more, this time covering for President Joe Biden‘s most recent gaffe regarding the upcoming midterm elections, Twitchy reported.

In a series of tweets, the nation’s leading propagandist worked to undo Biden’s previous statement that the 2022 election “could easily be illegitimate” if his preferred election bills are not passed.

It looks as if the bills have no chance.

Psaki started by suggesting that Biden really meant the exact opposite of what he said.

“Let’s be clear,” she began. “[Biden] was not casting doubt on the legitimacy of the 2022 election. He was making the opposite point: in 2020, a record number of voters turned out in the face of a pandemic, and election officials made sure they could vote and have those votes counted.”

But Psaki didn’t stop there.

She blasted out another Tweet, spouting tired platitudes about democracy and the many risks posed to it by former President Donald Trump and his deplorable supporters.

“He was explaining that the results would be illegimitate if states do what the former President asked them to do after the 2020 election: toss out ballots and overturn results after the fact,” she wrote.

“The big lie is putting our democracy at risk. We’re fighting to protect it,” she concluded.

Even RINO Senator Ben Sasse, R-Neb., caught on to Psaki’s deceptions.

“Instead of hemming and hawing, President Biden could have simply said that America’s elections have been and will continue to be legitimate,” he wrote before accusing Psaki of lying.

“But he didn’t say that and now his team is lying. The Vice President is doubling down while the Press Secretary is trying to spin it.”

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