Thursday, October 24, 2024

Biden-Harris Administration Gave ‘Quiet Amnesty’ to 1 Million Illegals, House GOP Finds

'The Biden-Harris Administration has guaranteed that upward of 1 million aliens—the overwhelming majority of whom likely would otherwise not have a legal basis to remain in the United States—can stay in the country indefinitely...'

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) The Biden-Harris administration has allowed some 1 million illegal immigrants to remain in the country indefinitely due to its slew of immigration court case dismissals, terminations and other “administrative maneuvering,” according to a new report from the House Judiciary Committee—deeming the scandal as “quiet amnesty.”

According to Thursday’s Judiciary Committee report, more than 700,000 illegal aliens have had their cases dismissed, terminated, or administratively closed—which has allowed those migrants to stay in the country indefinitely without facing immigration consequences.

Additionally, the Judiciary report found that 109,089 asylum cases as “not adjudicated” in fiscal year 2023—meaning that those cases were deemed “completed” but were largely terminated or dismissed and not adjudicated on the merits of the underlying claim.

“By comparison, only 12,960 total asylum cases were reported as ‘not adjudicated’ from fiscal year 2017 through fiscal year 2020 combined,” the Judiciary report noted.

Along with the 700,000 dismissed cases and roughly 110,000 cases “not adjudicated,” the Department of Homeland Security failed to file the necessary documentation to begin immigration court removal proceedings in roughly 200,000 additional cases—putting the total number of aliens that remain in the U.S. indefinitely at about 1 million, according to Thursday’s Judiciary report.

Along with its shoddy immigration lawyering, the Biden-Harris has worked to silence immigration judges who’ve spoken out about the ongoing scandal, according to the Judiciary report.

“Chief Immigration Judge Sheila McNulty ordered certain current immigration judges ‘to get supervisor approval to speak publicly to anyone outside the Justice Department,’ in an effort to silence critics of the ‘heavily backlogged immigration courts,’” the report said.

“For nearly four years, the Biden-Harris Administration has systematically remade America’s immigration courts in the image of open-borders extremism,” the report concluded.

“In weaponizing both immigration judges within the Justice Department and ICE attorneys within DHS, the Biden-Harris Administration has guaranteed that upward of 1 million aliens—the overwhelming majority of whom likely would otherwise not have a legal basis to remain in the United States—can stay in the country indefinitely.”

Ken Silva is a staff writer at Headline USA. Follow him at x.com/jd_cashless.

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