Monday, October 21, 2024

PANIC: Jews Throw Kamala Under Bus

'The Democratic advantage among Jewish voters has been consistently slipping...'

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris’s campaign continues losing voters.

The Manhattan Institute recently revealed that just 67% of Jewish Americans are ready to vote for Harris in the 2024 election. Even though it is still way over half of the Jewish population, the number is shocking, considering that 80% of Jews supported Democrats in the 1990s.

“Many [Jewish voters] are likely uncomfortable with the Democratic Party’s tolerance of voices that criticize Israel in extreme terms, such as labeling the country ‘genocidal,’” Jesse Arm, Chief of Staff at the Manhattan Institute, wrote, according to the Daily Caller. “This is evidenced by the fact that Jews are almost universally supportive of Israel — a mere 5% of Jewish voters say they are not supporters of the Jewish state.”

The Manhattan Institute also suggested that the primary reason why so many American Jews started leaving the Democratic Party was because they noticed the rising anti-Semitism of Democrats.

“The Democratic advantage among Jewish voters has been consistently slipping,” Arm added. “Although Jewish voters remain largely aligned with the Democratic Party, there are growing cracks in that support.”

However, people on Twitter suggested that there are even fewer Jews in the United States who support Harris.

“She’s not getting 65% – It’s not happening. All these polls and even the exits include nondenominational Jews, meaning a segment of people who do not even identify as Jews by religion. Ultra-progressive leftists, it skews any poll,” @Jewtastic wrote.

Other people noted that Jews start to vote for conservatives when they realize that their security is on the line.

“We’re known to be intelligent individually, although suicidally stupid as a group because we’re obsessed with appearing morally superior regardless of circumstance. The Israelis don’t even have the death penalty – not even for first-degree murder, the murder of police officers or soldiers, and terrorism, even when it results in mass casualties,” @GaryGol88424403 wrote.

Jews are not the only voters whom Democrats, in general, and Harris’s campaign, in particular, lose. As it was previously reported, Asian Americans are also massively leaving the Democratic Party, primarily because of economic reasons.

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