Saturday, October 19, 2024

Biden-Harris Admin. Caused China Influencing 2024 Election, Spying

'Beijing has continually encroached upon American sovereignty to spy, intimidate and harass not only defectors but even American citizens...'

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Multiple news sources revealed that the BidenHarris administration allowed communist China to grow its influence inside the country, influence the 2024 election and spy on the American government and people.

The Epoch Times reported that China is deploying thousands of fake social media profiles to interfere in the upcoming election, among which was the Harlan Report that was portraying Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as a “fraud.”

“It’s no surprise the CCP is now using fraudulent social media accounts to target our upcoming elections,” Rep. John Moolenaar, R-Mich., told the Times. “We encourage social media companies to expose the CCP’s propaganda campaign and take action against CCP bots that are trying to deceive Americans.”

The Daily Caller also wrote in its exclusive report that espionage, illegal immigration and other activities that are meant to destroy the United States linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have increased dramatically under the Biden-Harris administration.

The news source cited “China Threat Snapshot” as evidence. The House Committee on Homeland Security’s Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement and Intelligence released the report on Thursday.

The government report detailed 59 “CCP-related” criminal cases, like bribery, hacking and theft of trade secrets, in 20 U.S. states between February 2021 and August 2024.

“The Chinese Communist Party is not satisfied with destroying freedom and repressing its citizens within its own borders,” Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn., chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, told the Caller. “Beijing has continually encroached upon American sovereignty to spy, intimidate and harass not only defectors but even American citizens.”

According to the government report, approximately 80% of economic espionage prosecutions are connected to China. About 60% of all trade secret theft cases were also connected to the communist regime.

The Caller also reported how the Biden-Harris administration drastically simplified the vetting process for Chinese illegal aliens last year so that they would be able to flood this country.

“Unfortunately, under the Biden administration, Border Patrol agents have been instructed that when processing Chinese nationals, they should conduct short, basic interviews that include only generic background questions instead of in-depth interviews. In other words, there is no serious vetting,” Rep. Dan Bishop, R-N.C., said.

The committee also wrote about the same problem in its press release.

“The Biden-Harris administration has overseen the largest influx of Chinese nationals illegally crossing the Southwest border than any previous administration,” the committee stated. “In FY24 alone, Border Patrol agents have recorded more than 36,000 apprehensions of Chinese nationals—more than all those recorded from FY07-20 combined. In March, the Committee released a “Startling Stats” fact sheet documenting the dramatic increase.”

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