Thursday, October 3, 2024

Politico Can’t Attack J.D. Vance, Attacks His Beard Instead

'Politico debate analysis: Vance's beard is sexist, Walz's bulging eyes are lovely...'

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) The mass media recently reminded everyone once again that if the Left can’t attack someone’s ideas, it will attack the person’s physical appearance instead.

The day after the debate between Sen. J.D. Vance, R-Ohio, and Gov. Tim Walz, D-Minn., leftist news source Politico published an article criticizing Vance’s body language because it was impossible to criticize his ideas.

To not make complete fools out of themselves, leftists who work for Politico even invited Joe Navarro, a body language expert who worked with the FBI, as reported by Breitbart.

“No, I’m not a telepath. I’m a body language expert with over 50 years of experience — 25 of which I spent with the FBI, where I served in the national security division’s elite behavioral analysis program. I’ve used my expertise in the endlessly subtle science of nonverbal communication to help ferret out spies and put away criminals,” Navarro wrote.

In his analysis piece, Navarro stated that Vance’s bear “matters” because beards are synonymous with masculinity, which many people, especially women, find threatening because they “[convey] aggression and opposition to feminist ideals.”

Navarro also mentioned Vance’s precision grip, “little” frown and the politician calling “attention to his heart.”

Additionally, Navarro painted a positive picture of Walz when he mentioned the politician’s body language, such as his wide-open eyes, which could indicate nervousness or fear. Navarro, however, claimed that Walz was just too excited and concerned about the well-being of the United States and its citizens.

Conservatives didn’t fail to use the opportunity to mock the biased body language analysis on Twitter.

“Politico debate analysis: Vance’s beard is sexist, Walz’s bulging eyes are lovely,” @EndWokeness wrote.

Conservative reporter Greg Price also mentioned Politico’s article, writing that it is “pathetic.”

Some people also showed the leftists’ hypocrisy by finding an old article by Politico that stated a beard is a sign of wisdom.

“Politico keeps finding new ways to be more ridiculous,” @Bubblebathgirl wrote.

As previously pointed out, Politico needed to do something like this only because it couldn’t attack Vance’s ideas and rhetoric. Many media propagandists even admitted that Vance won the Tuesday debate.

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