Tuesday, September 17, 2024

SCOOP: FBI Releases File on Moms for Liberty; Group Member Reacts

'Stop Moms for Liberty was sharing a list of names belonging to Moms for Liberty members located in [REDACTED] ... This information included member employment data amongst other sensitive details...'

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) The FBI has released internal records on Moms for Liberty, the non-profit activist group that opposes the public-school system’s attempts to indoctrinate students to favor genital mutilations, mask mandates, racial profiling and other un-American ideals.

However, the internal records are unrelated to the Justice Department’s targeting of Moms for Liberty and other protesting parents—a scandal from October 2021, when Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a memo directing the FBI to divert counterterrorism resources towards tracking alleged threats at school board meetings.

Instead, the records detail threats Moms for Liberty members apparently received in 2022. A December 2022 FBI memo details the “concerning comments directed towards Moms for Liberty organization.”

“On Wednesday, November 30, 2022, [REDACTED] Moms for Liberty, [REDACTED] contacted Task Force Officer [REDACTED] after receiving a concerning message through her website,” the FBI memo stated.

“The message was submitted by an individual identified as [REDACTED] … The message stated [REDACTED].”

According to the records, the person who sent threats to Moms for Liberty did so in three separate messages. However, an Assistant U.S. Attorney in Tampa declined to prosecute the person. The reason for the declination of prosecution is redacted.

Along with threats, Moms for Liberty members were apparently worried about being doxed. A February 2023 internal FBI record shows that the bureau spoke with someone from the group about an opposition organization called “Stop Moms for Liberty,” which was apparently disseminating the private info of certain members.

“Stop Moms for Liberty was sharing a list of names belonging to Moms for Liberty members located in [REDACTED] County and [REDACTED] County, Pennsylvania. This information included member employment data amongst other sensitive details,” stated a Feb. 24, 2023, FBI report.

“Moms for Liberty members … expressed concern to [REDACTED] this may lead to future targeting of their members for harassment or potential violence.”

It’s unclear how the matter was resolved. Stop Moms for Liberty did not respond to an email seeking comment about the records.

Brooke Weiss, the head of a Moms for Liberty chapter in North Carolina, told Headline USA that receiving threats has been par for the course for many members.

“I recently had to file a police report … because I was being doxed, harassed, and threatened. Somehow, they got my personal phone number and started using a burner app to target me in extremely antisemitic ways. They would send me grossly antisemitic messages along with a screenshot of a Google map with my address on it. At first, I didn’t think it was related to Moms for Liberty, but then it became very apparent that it was,” Weiss said.

“We have always taken threats very seriously. Many of us have been spit on and had things thrown at us. Some of us have had our homes and cars damaged. The people that attack us are unhinged, and it is very apparent that many of them are mentally unstable,” she said.

“So, we have always taken safety precautions and are regularly counseled on how to keep ourselves safe. We always have paid police details at larger events now.”

Ken Silva is a staff writer at Headline USA. Follow him at twitter.com/jd_cashless.

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