Friday, June 28, 2024

BREAKING: Feds Fomented Plot to Shoot up ‘Bad Bunny’ Concert and Spark Race War

'[The DOJ] is picking and choosing which statements to deem credible to suit its theory of the case...'

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) In what appears to be an FBI-fomented conspiracy along the lines of the Gov. Whitmer kidnap plot, the Justice Department claimed Wednesday that it has foiled a mass shooting that was designed to spark a race war.

According to the DOJ, the defendant, Mark Adams Prieto, 58, of Prescott, Arizona, plotted to commit a mass shooting of African Americans and other minorities to incite a race war prior to the 2024 United States Presidential Election.

However, the DOJ’s own press release admits that two undercover FBI sources—an informant and an agent—had active discussions with Preito about a shooting plot.

“Prieto had discussions with two [FBI sources] to devise a plan to commit a mass shooting of African Americans and other minorities to incite a race war prior to the 2024 United States Presidential Election. Prieto did not know the individuals were working with the government, but instead believed that they shared his racist beliefs and wanted to commit a mass shooting to incite a race war,” the DOJ said.

And the charging papers against Preito make the case look even more dubious.

For instance, the FBI informant had been spying on him for the last three years, meeting on at least 15 different occasions.

It was last October when the informant told his handlers that Preito allegedly was talking about a mass shooting. The FBI then conducted four undercover surveillance operations against Preito. Charging papers don’t say what the informant or undercover agent told Preito.

It was during the third undercover surveillance op at a March 23 gun show where Preito allegedly cemented plans to shoot up a “Bad Bunny” rap concert at State Farm Arena in Middletown, Atlanta that coming May.

The next day, Preito allegedly sold an AR-15 rifle to the undercover agent to use in the attack.

At the fourth surveillance operation on April 17 at another gun show, Preito allegedly said he wanted to delay the attack.

At a fifth gun show on May 5—the FBI doesn’t describe it as a surveillace op because it wasn’t recorded—Preito purportedly said he was going to leave “next week” to conduct his recon of Atlanta.

Preito was arrested on May 14 and was indicted Tuesday on Firearms Trafficking, Transfer of a Firearm for Use in a Hate Crime, and Possession of an Unregistered Firearm.

Each conviction for Firearms Trafficking and Transfer of Firearm for Use in a Hate Crime carries a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison, a fine of $250,000, or both. A conviction for Possession of an Unregistered Firearm carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison, a fine of $250,000, or both.

Preito’s defense attorney has already criticized the DOJ’s case.

“The basis of nearly all of the Government’s allegations, both in its Complaint and its Memorandum, consist of statements that were allegedly made by Mr. Prieto to the UC and CHS. The Government is simultaneously and confusingly stating that Mr. Prieto’s statements should be believed and that they cannot be believed,” said defense attorney Alicia LaPado in an attempt to release Preito on bail, which was unsuccessful.

“It is picking and choosing which statements to deem credible to suit its theory of the case.”

Preito’s case has yet to be docketed, and it’s unclear when his next court date is.

Ken Silva is a staff writer at Headline USA. Follow him at twitter.com/jd_cashless.

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