Thursday, October 17, 2024

Biden’s Poll Numbers Look Worse than 2016 Hillary as Policies Prove Failures

The incumbent president now finds himself fully underwater in four of them and tied in Michigan when pollsters present a hypothetical Trump--Biden rematch...

(Kevin Whiteley, Headline USA) President Joe Biden has broken many dubious records over the first three years of his presidency: oldest president ever elected, most vacation days of any president in recent memory, highest rate of inflation in 40 years, most illegal immigrants ever admitted into the country.

Over the weekend, he crossed another threshold, as his net approval rating sank to a level trailing his likely GOP competitor in the 2024 matchup, former President Donald Trump, and even lower than that of failed Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, whose grating persona cost her dearly in swing states like Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona, the Washington Examiner reported.

All five of those states, which Trump claimed in 2016, went to Biden in the 2020 race—albeit under circumstances that may be up for debate or adjudication.

Yet, the incumbent president now finds himself fully underwater in four of them and tied in Michigan when pollsters present a hypothetical Trump–Biden rematch, according to the RealClearPolitics average.

Meanwhile, Biden and his family have a growing list of issues that are continuing to surface, not the least of which appears to be the walls closing in on an investigation into his foreign business deals led by House Oversight Chairman James Comer, R-Ky.

Comer has been steadily collecting evidence to build the airtight case that Biden directly benefited financially from those business deals brokered by his son Hunter, brother James and other family members.

According to Comer’s evidence, Biden in return, allowed those private business interests to influence U.S. foreign policy during the Obama administration—and possibly continuing in current events like the costly U.S. support for Ukraine’s territorial dispute with Russia and America’s weak diplomatic stance against a litany of Chinese abuses.

Such bribery is listed as an impeachable offense in the U.S. Constitution.

Criminal conduct aside, Biden’s actual policies—and those promoted by the extreme Leftist movement to which he has capitulated—have been nearly as bad as having our geopolitical adversaries calling the shots from within the Oval Office.

One of Biden’s most glaring obstacles to re-election may be the rising crime epidemic—a byproduct of the post-George-Floyd campaign to “defund the police.

After failing to heed the warnings about the long-term, unintended consequences, blue-run cities such as Chicago, New York City and D.C. (to name a few) have become havens for homicide, carjacking, and smash-and-grab larceny that has led many storefronts to flee their downtown areas.

Chicago’s pro-criminal SAFE-T Act, for instance, has done anything but keep the city safe.

Its population saw a decrease between 2020 and 2022—roughly 81,000 people (according to U.S. Census data in a Chicago Tribune report).

However, the “defund” effort proved to be a failure, and Dems themselves ultimately pivoted to fund law enforcement.

There’s also the Harm-Reduction Act, which has been conducive to over 100,000 Americans falling victim to drug overdoses.

These deaths happened within only a year—2021-2022 (according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention).

Yet, “harm reduction emphasizes engaging directly with people who use drugs to prevent overdose…,” claimed the website of the government-funded Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration.

“Harm reduction is an important part of the Biden–Harris Administration’s comprehensive approach to addressing substance use disorders through prevention, treatment, and recovery—and empowering people to reach their own goals, through incremental change,” added the website.

Tack the ongoing, border crisis onto Joe Biden’s list of failures. The U.S. has seen over 10 million illegals crossing onto American soil under Biden’s presidency. It’s so out of control that even sanctuary cities such as New York City and Chicago are now encouraging illegals to leave.

Outside of the nation’s borders, of course, things are equally dangerous.

The BRICS+ nations are possibly the biggest issue Americans could face, as “the Biden administration has devalued the dollar by an astonishing 16% and also weaponized the dollar abroad,” Heritage Foundation’s Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget Research Fellow E.J. Antoni told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “The US is absolutely in danger of losing global reserve currency status,” Antoni added.

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