Thursday, October 17, 2024

Unhinged Ex-Celeb Kathy Griffin Delivers ‘Civil War’ Ultimatum to Republicans

'Sadly, this is today’s Left: angry, hateful & violent...'

(Headline USA) Former B-list celebrity turned full-time Twitter troll Kathy Griffin threatened a “civil war” this week if Republicans win in November.

“If you don’t want a Civil War, vote for Democrats in November. If you do want Civil War, vote Republican,” she tweeted on Tuesday.

Conservatives and moderates slammed Griffin for seemingly threatening violence:

Among those who condemned the provocative rant was Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.

Others pointed out that voting against the Democratic Party is a vote against state-sanctioned violence, the likes of which dominated blue cities in 2020 during the Black Lives Matter riots.

This also isn’t the first time Griffin has endorsed violence against her political opponents:

Griffin, however, tried to deny that she wants to go to war against Republican voters and claimed that it is Republicans who are actually “threatening Civil War.”

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