Thursday, October 17, 2024

Army: Male Soldiers Must Shower w/ Trans Troops Who Have Female Genitals

'Transgender Soldiers are not required or expected to modify or adjust their behavior based on the fact that they do not "match" other Soldiers...'

(Ezekiel Loseke, Headline USA) According to a new training slide obtained by Breitbart News, the US Army has begun mandating that soldiers shower with transgender troops who, biologically, present as members of the opposite sex.

“Following his transition from female to male (which did not include sex reassignment surgery) … a transgender Soldier begins using male barracks, bathroom, and shower facilities,” said the guidance. “Because he did not undergo a surgical change, the Soldier still has female genitalia.”

The mandatory guidance also noted that troops in the Army are subject under normal circumstances to an extreme lack of privacy but instructed male soldiers to ignore the sight of female genatalia when confronted with it in such settings.

“Soldiers must accept living and working conditions that are often austere, primitive, and characterized by little or no privacy. … Understand anyone may encounter individuals in barracks, bathrooms, or shower facilities with physical characteristics of the opposite sex…”

The training emphasized that the burden is not on the transgender individual with female genitals but on all other troops to deal with the disruption.

“[T]ransgender Soldiers are not required or expected to modify or adjust their behavior based on the fact that they do not ‘match’ other Soldiers,” it said.

These requirements extend beyond normal working operations. These “equal opportunity” regulations “apply to working, living, and recreational environment (on and off-post, during duty and non-duty hours),” according to the guidance.

The ability to differentiate between genders is also defined by the status of a “complete gender transition,” it said. This status is achieved once the Soldier has received “medical care necessary to achieve stability in the self-identified gender.”

Other slides in this training are found here.

The new training standards left Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., in bewildered disappointment and disgust.

“Our adversaries aren’t wasting their time with this stuff,” said Banks, a Navy reservist and member of the House Armed Services Committee.

“Every soldier I know just wants to spend their day working hard to keep America safe and it’s shameful that they’re being forced to sit through these pointless and partisan trainings.”

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