Friday, March 28, 2025

Antifa Arsonist Caught Starting Fire after Left Tries to Blame Proud Boys, Climate Change


No longer content with starting Dumpster fires in sanctuary cities, at least one left-wing serial arsonist appeared to have branched out to other parts of the Pacific Northwest.

Blue-state officials and their liberal media allies sought to muddy the waters by suggesting that fringe-right groups might be responsible for the recent series of devastating brushfires.

However, that narrative was seemingly debunked when Washington State police caught radical leftist militant Jeffrey Acord, 36, attempting to start another fire near Tacoma.

Acord was nabbed Wednesday after calling 9-1-1 for the fire he allegedly started in the highway median and attempting to livestream the response on his Facebook page.

He also was placed at the scene earlier that morning after a woman reported him walking around in the area flashing a lighter, the Post Millennial reported.

At the time, he claimed he was looking for his lost camera equipment and was “trying to cover the area thoroughly.”

Even after police caught him in the act, Acord again feigned innocence.

“There’s nothing you can connect to me to this at all,” he claimed in his Facebook stream. “I was literally calling this in.”

Although the fire was quickly contained, police were forced to close an exit ramp.

According to American Greatness, Acord also is suspected of starting two other fires that have raged in the area.

One of those fires has burned more than 800 acres and was only 20 percent contained as of Thursday. Another had destroyed four homes.

Something that is easy to connect Acord to is his history of criminal activity and anti-police activism.

He identifies himself on social media as a professional Door Dash delivery person. However, evidence suggests Acord is linked with the domestic terrorism group Antifa.

In one series of photos posted to Facebook in July, he flashed the middle finger while wearing a shirt that says “F**K YOUR WAR F**K YOUR BORDERS WE WON’T FOLLOW YOUR F**KIN’ ORDERS.”

He also posted video and footage of himself leading a June Black Lives Matter protest in Seattle.

During 2014 protests following the acquittal of police in Ferguson, Missouri, over the Michael Brown shooting, Acord was arrested with a cache of weapons that included a knife with a 7-inch blade, two gun, ammunition and a car full of illegal fireworks, reported the Post Millennial.

While Democrats have spent several months insisting that radicals were engaged in largely peaceful protests, a recent wave of violence has shattered that narrative, forcing even presidential candidate Joe Biden to nominally condemn the rioting.

Last week, an avowed Antifa operative in Oregon was killed in a standoff with authorities who were moving in to arrest him for the murder of an unarmed Patriot Prayer demonstrator in Portland.

Despite Acord’s subversive track record, mainstream media such as the Associated Press refused to acknowledge as of Thursday that leftist radicals were to blame for the fires.

Coverage instead sought to implicate, by insinuation, right-wing demonstrators associated with groups like the Proud Boys.

Some local officials supported the narrative by leaving it up in the air who was responsible and condemning a rush to judgment over “rumors.”

Meanwhile, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, who campaigned for president last year on a radical green agenda, suggested that the only human activity involved in starting the fires was man-made climate change.

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