Friday, September 6, 2024

WATCH: Jim Jordan Destroys Nadler’s Lie about ‘Peaceful’ Protests at Barr Hearing

"We need to come together as a community and do better. We need to teach our young people that life is very precious..."

Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-NY, may have delayed his committee Tuesday after a car accident immediately beforehand that totaled his car.

Unfortunately, Nadler walked away unscathed—unlike dozens of recent victims during violent race riots who have seen their health and financial livelihood destroyed.

After finally arriving at the hearing, the House Judiciary Committee chair—who was humiliated after being sidelined at January’s impeachment hearings—wasted no time settling scores against Attorney General William Barr.

Barr quietly jotted notes as Nadler rattled off the full list of Democrat talking points, accusing the nation’s top lawman of everything from covering up Russian collusion to undermining the separation of powers (ironically, a charge that the Supreme Court recently criticized House Democrats for while shutting down their attempt to subpoena President Donald Trump’s financial records).

But nowhere did Nadler’s dissociative projection of his party’s own corruption seem more stunningly cavalier than in his claim that Barr had undermined the rule of law by allowing law enforcement to suppress “peaceful” protesters in blue-run cities throughout the country.

Two months into the riots, the scenes of destruction continue to unfold nationwide, making it unclear how Nadler hoped to score points with his demonstrably false attack.

But Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, let the images speak for themselves.

After rehashing the timeline of the Obamagate spying scandal to counter Nadler’s stale Russia collusion claims, the Trump ally and Freedom Caucus member launched into the 8-minute video.

It began with anchors of leftist mainstream media outlets echoing the “peaceful protest” refrain, as some of the soundbites were juxtaposed with images of destruction.

The video then cut to a brief statement by Ann Dorn, an active-duty officer with St. Louis police, whose husband, David, was killed during the riots while serving as a security guard.

He had only recently retired from the police force after 38 years of service.

“His life was senselessly taken from me—from us—by an opportunist who had no regards for human life, or the law,” Ann Dorn said. “This didn’t have to happen, but it must have been God’s plan for David.”

She made a heartrending appeal to the nation not to let her husband have died in vain.

“We need to come together as a community and do better,” she said. “We need to teach our young people that life is very precious. … We would like David’s legacy to be remembered…”

Many harrowing scenes follow, some difficult to watch as defenseless police defending a statue are pelted with a barrage of projectiles and motorists attempt (or succeed) in running them over.

During the video, one angry congresswoman can be heard yelling at Jordan to turn down the volume, although he appears to ignore the demand.

After 8 minutes passed, it was unclear whether the video had finished or if Nadler had it muted and stopped prematurely.

But the partisan congressman’s reaction offered a telling window into his line of reasoning as Democrats try to campaign on the need for more “empathy.”

“Well, I hope that Mr. Jordan will never complain about the length of my opening statement,” Nadler groused.

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