Friday, July 26, 2024

Maricopa County Auditors Conclude: ‘Election Should Not Be Certified’

'The number of illegal ballots found in Maricopa County (more than 55,000) is over 4 times the current amount separating President Trump and Joe Biden...'

The Arizona Senate Judiciary Committee on Friday released a 110-page forensic audit report on the 2020 presidential election, and the auditors concluded in an eight-page executive summary that “the election should not be certified, and the reported results are not reliable.”

Cyber Ninjas, the company that conducted the forensic audit, identified “57,734 ballots”—a conservative estimate”—that had “serious issues,” The Gateway Pundit reported.

“In the 2020 presidential election, the margin of victory was only 10,457 votes, a small fraction of the 57,734 ballots with known issues,” Cyber Ninjas stated. “Again, this is almost 6 times the margin of victory in the Presidential race and is multiples of the margin of victory in other races.”

Cyber Ninjas found numerous types of impermissible votes, but most fell into three main categories: “improper voter registration, improper votes, and discrepancies in the registration.”

The central errors that Cyber Ninjas revealed mostly stemmed from bad registration files and mail-in voting, a high-risk practice that Democrats, with help or at least non-resistance from some Republicans, implemented under the cover of COVID-19.

The forensic auditors asserted that the United States cannot have a high-trust electoral system and widespread mail-in voting. The report’s conclusion calls for the elimination of universal mail-in voting.

Maricopa County, like many urban areas, abused the mail-in voting process more heavily than rural counties, whose citizens preferred to vote in person.

Mail-in ballots accounted for 80 percent of all votes cast in Maricopa County’s 2020 presidential election.

“The guarantee of the secret ballot is not only a right that applies to the voter themself, but it is also a right guaranteed to the rest of those voting in the election that that person’s ballot is secret and therefore cannot have come under any undue influence,” Cyber Ninjas said in the report.
“Mail-in voting eliminates secrecy in voting as it is impossible to control or know who a voter shares their ballot with and what is done with it prior to it being mailed-in or dropped off,” the report continued.
The forensic audit found more than 10,000 double votes across county lines, many thousands of voters who moved prior to the election date and voted illegally, more than 17,000 double-, triple-, or quadruple-counted votes, and more than 9,000 more mail-in ballots cast by voters than received by them.
On top of ballot fraud, Cyber Ninjas found numerous ways in which Maricopa County could have electronically altered the results or concealed crimes.
Cyber Ninjas discovered that Maricopa County had purged the election management system database, deleted election files, and corrupted ballot images.
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, whose company EchoMail audited the signature verification process (though, crucially, not the signatures themselves), said that some ballots appeared photoshopped.
AZ Audit Forensic Analysis: Magically, the ‘Verified & Approved’ stamp ended up BEHIND the original print on the #ballots #AZAuditResults #ArizonaAudit #maricopacounty #2020election #TrumpWasRight #Biden #JoeBiden #decertify #stolenelection pic.twitter.com/LwZgPW7AN5

Witness Ben Cotton, an IT expert, said that he has screens shots from the time that Maricopa County officials deleted security logs, so a criminal investigation may have a path forward, The Gateway Pundit reported.
Cyber Ninjas highlighted dozens more unquantifiable types of fraud, error, and illegality in Maricopa County’s 2020 presidential election, including “failure to follow basic cyber security practices” and “anonymous logins.”
Maricopa County’s election machines, provided by Dominion Voting Systems, also contained voter information from South Carolina and Washington.
All major American institutions have fallen into line with the narrative that Cyber Ninjas confirmed President Joe Biden’s victory in Arizona because the audit’s handcount came to a similar conclusion as the county’s.
But the handcount has little to do with the forensic audit.
No one disputes that the county has in its possession the ballots that Biden needed to win.
Cyber Ninjas tried to solve the more important question of whether the vast majority of ballots cast in the election were legal. The group concluded that a decisive number of ballots were not legally cast and thus the election was illegitimate.
President Donald Trump responded to the report’s conclusions and the media’s complete refusal to look at its most basic finding: “the election should not be certified, and the reported results are not reliable.”
“It is not even believable the dishonesty of the Fake News Media on the Arizona Audit results, which shows incomprehensible Fraud at an Election Changing level, many times more votes than is needed,” he wrote.
Trump also stated that the “Fake News Media refuses to write the facts” and that they “are so dishonest.”
“Arizona must immediately decertify their 2020 Presidential Election Results,” he wrote.
Trump announced that he will speak about the audit’s findings at a rally in Georgia tomorrow night.
Headline USA has not been able to find a single mainstream media outlet that reported the report’s central conclusion.
3:00 p.m.
The Arizona Senate Judiciary Committee is receiving the results of the forensic audit.
Senate President Karen Fann, a Republican, confirmed that the audit draft reflects some findings from the final report, though the draft and the final report do not match “exactly.”

Fann said the Arizona Senate did not authorize the audit to decerfity the results of the 2020 presidential election.

“Our number one goal is to make sure that we have election integrity here,” she said. “That when you go to the polls, you know that your ballot was counted, and it was counted fairly, and it was counted accurately.”

Arizona Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Warren Petersen said that he will refer any criminal findings in the forensic audit to the state’s Attorney General Mark Brnovich.

The first witness in the hearing, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, a pattern-recognition expert, revealed that he found 17,000 duplicate ballots in Maricopa County. Some voters cast up to four ballots, according to Ayyadurai.

Maricopa County reported zero duplicates in its final canvass.

The county stamped duplicate ballots with, “Verified and Approved [Maricopa County Elections Department.].

Maricopa County received ninety-six percent of duplicate ballots after election day.

Ayyadurai also observed a 25 percent surge in duplicate mail-in ballots on election day and for five days afterward, from Nov. 4-9.

State Sen. Wendy Rogers, a Republican, called for decertification based on this single testimony.

Over 17,000 duplicate votes!!!! Decertify the election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) September 24, 2021

The original story is below.

Leaked drafts of the Arizona Senate’s forensic audit report shows that enough illegal and fraudulent ballots entered the 2020 presidential election for the legislature to decertify President Joe Biden‘s supposed victory, The Gateway Pundit reported.

According to an early and unverified summary, the forensic audit found more potentially invalid votes than the margin that separates Biden from former President Donald Trump in the official results.


More than 55,000 potentially illegal ballots.

Raw Forensic Data

The number of illegal ballots found in Maricopa County (more than 55,000) is over 4 times the current amount separating President Trump and Joe Biden.https://t.co/fUMjttMtvF pic.twitter.com/lhrIRKcxC1

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) September 24, 2021

Arizona’s official results declared Biden the winner by about 11,000 votes.

Three categories contained the vast majority of potentially illegal ballots: mail-in ballots sent and cast from a voter’s previous address, voters who cast ballots in multiple counties, and voters who cast more mail-in ballots than they received.

These three categories reportedly resulted in more than 42,000 fraudulent votes.

Another 17 categories of illegal election practices contributed the remaining 13,000 possibly fraudulent votes.

Trump released a statement about the forensic audit’s preliminary results.

“The Fake News is lying about the Arizona audit report!,” he said in a press release. “The leaked report conclusively shows there were enough fraudulent votes, mystery votes, and fake votes to change the outcome of the election 4 or 5 times over.”

He said the audit found “fraud and cheating” that “must be criminally investigated.”

The corporate media has operated a propaganda campaign to prepare Americans to reject the forensic audit’s results.

Mainstream outlets redoubled that effort in the past few days by spreading false reports that Cyber Ninjasthe company that conducted the audithad confirmed Biden’s alleged victory.

Arizona State Sen. Wendy Rogers, a Republican, said the draft report does not contain the audit’s full findings, meaning that fraud in the election could exceed 55,000 votes.

I just talked to Doug Logan via phone. The leaked draft is simply a draft and is only a partial report. Tomorrow’s hearing will render findings of great consequence. Then he said “God is in control”. Please pray for our audit team tomorrow as they present their findings.???

— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) September 24, 2021

The Arizona Senate will release the full report at 4 p.m. Eastern Time.

Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward called for a full canvass of the state’s results based on the draft report.

Mail in and absentee voting is ripe for fraud. We need a full canvass of Arizona. And Attorney General @brnoforaz needs to do it.

— Dr. Kelli Ward ?? (@kelliwardaz) September 24, 2021

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