Friday, July 26, 2024

Partisan ‘Whistleblower’ Was Already EXPOSED in 2017 but Protected by Left

‘What is most puzzling is how someone so young and so inexperienced as Ciaramella … could have gotten so close to powerful people in the Obama administration…’

(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) High-profile conservative figures and media have named the alleged whistleblower who worked with House Intelligence Chair Adam Schiff, D-Calif., to initiate the impeachment proceedings over President Donald Trump’s Ukraine interactions.

While some have reacted with shock and indignation over the disclosure, mounting evidence shows that Eric Ciaramella, a CIA analyst who has been deeply involved with previous Trump smear efforts, was already raising alarms in 2017, when journalist Mike Cernovich identified some of his shady meetings with high-level officials.

In fact, in a piece profiling his campus activism while an undergraduate at Yale University, The American Spectator said that contrary to the Left’s characterization of Ciaramella as an “apolitical” civil servant, he has demonstrated a long history of partisanship.

That opens the door to far more questions about how this deep-state operative managed to fly under the radar and what else about this so-called whistleblower remains hidden from the public.

“What is most puzzling is how someone so young and so inexperienced as Ciaramella—whose history of radical politics is well documented—could have gotten so close to powerful people in the Obama administration,” American Spectator wrote. “… Worse, how is it that the Trump administration is still stuck with people like this?”

Red Flags Abound

The 'Whistleblower' Has Likely Been Identified; Open Secret in DC
Eric Ciaramella/IMAGE: via Twitter

Prior to his whistleblowing days, Ciaramella appears to have been a missing link between Ukrainian activists and State Department officials like Victoria Nuland, assistant secretary of state for European affairs, who was corresponding directly with fake-dossier author Christopher Steele.

Steele, in turn, was working with the firm Fusion GPS, whose reports—commissioned by the Hillary Clinton campaign—provided the basis for the launching of an FBI investigation into Trump.

Ciaramella, likewise, was involved in smear operations led by Democratic National Committee staffer Alexandra Chalupa, who worked with the Ukrainian Embassy during the 2016 election to promote false information to media outlets about Trump’s Russia ties, according to The Federalist.

On top of his connection to the Russian hoax, Ciaramella worked closely with former national security advisers Susan Rice and H.R. McMaster, who have both been implicated in efforts to spy, leak and undermine Trump’s presidency.

Ciaramella also reportedly worked with former Vice President Joe Biden on Ukrainian issues and was part of an e-mail chain celebrating the signing of a billion-dollar loan guarantee that Biden had earlier threatened to withdraw if officials did not fire the prosecutor investigating his son’s company, according to Breitbart.

Circling the Wagons

With all the red flags pointing in his direction, the biggest surprise may be that it took as long as it did for Ciaramella’s name to emerge publicly.

However, the Left and its media allies have predictably circled the wagons.

After Don Trump Jr., the president’s son and campaign surrogate—who also happens to be a private citizen—retweeted the already widely reported name, he was attacked on “The View.

Despite having allegedly leaked information themselves about the whistleblower to CNN’s Jake Tapper, Ciaramella’s lawyers, who have long track-records of working with leftists operatives, have gone so far as to send a cease-and desist letter to the White House.

Such efforts mark a familiar pattern for conservative journalists pursuing the truth about the conspiracies to remove Trump from office while confronting the staggering hypocrisy of media attack-dogs who lay cover for nefarious Democrats by smearing the messenger.

Cernovich observed in a blog post on his website that such radicalized media efforts to conceal the truth rather than pursue it had prevented him from floating Ciaramella’s name sooner.

“His name was first given to me, although I didn’t run the story because the media would immediately lie about me to protect Ciaramella, as they have done before,” said the conservative investigative reporter.

Cernovich marveled over the fact that the same media sources who had threatened to dox a random civilian for creating a pro-Trump meme would wage war against one of their own for reporting on a corrupt CIA agent—even before he became a so-called whistleblower—in the face of clear partisan misconduct and leaking.

“It was all a media lie and smear campaign to shut down my reporting,” Cernovich said. “When I report on someone, It’s harassment! When the media reports on a meme maker, it’s journalism!”

He also mused over the frequent left-wing media trope of asserting that reporting which does not align with their narrative lacks evidence—while simultaneously doing all they can to suppress clear evidence when it is presented.

“I love that ‘with no evidence’ line,” Cernovitch said in reference to a hatchet piece against him by the left-wing, Washington Post-owned magazine Foreign Policy.

“I literally had deeply-sourced stores,” he continued. “Multiple stories of mine were confirmed by other outlets and also by current events.”

He said that the unfolding of the whistleblower saga had once again validated his reporting, putting on full display the Left’s lies and cover-up efforts as they ironically claim to be working in the public interest.

“Well now it’[s] alleged that Eric Ciaramella is a whistle blower. Which is a magical way of saying, yes he was leaking,” said Cernovich.

“Cerno’s stories were yet again confirmed,” he added.

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