Thursday, October 17, 2024

Great Reset Proponents Are ‘War-Gaming’ Massive Cyber Attack on Banks

'Then you'd be able to do all sorts of crazy social justice things because you'd be able to not only track how people are spending their money, but you could actually control how people are spending their money... '

The International Monetary Fund and World Bank have joined with a number of powerful countries invested in the “Great Reset” to “war-game” cyberattacks on the global financial system, according to Reuters.

A 10-country “Collective Strength” simulation was conducted via video conference in December that included “sensitive data emerging on the Dark Web” and “fake news reports that in the scenario caused chaos in global markets and a run on banks.”

Solutions emphasized “multilateral policies” and “international collaboration between finance ministries and international organizations” that could include “coordinated delinking from major currencies,” Reuters reported.

“The World Economic Forum and others started rolling out this narrative that . . .  the only way that we would be able to fight this off is if we all coordinate and if we build this globalist sort of multi-lateral movement to protect our financial institutions,” Justin Haskins, editorial director at The Heartland Institute, told Glenn Beck.

Haskins warned that proponents of the Great Reset are “trying to figure out a way to roll out . . . an international digital currency.”

“Then you’d be able to do all sorts of crazy social justice things because you’d be able to not only track how people are spending their money . . . but you could actually control how people are spending their money,” Haskins continued.

This kind of “war game” is reminiscent of the Transition Integrity Project’s attempt to signal support for a military coup by issuing an obnoxious report on “the extreme lengths to which President Trump may be willing to go in order to stay in office” if he lost in November 2020.

In light of the simulation’s focus on “fake news” as the chief instigator of global chaos, it would be wise for proponents of the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press to be especially wary.

Treasury officials from Israel, the United States, the United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Thailand participated in the games.

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