Friday, July 26, 2024

GOP Rep. Bishop Aims to Curb DHS Abuses, as MSM Ignores Gov’t Censorship

'There's no defending this... '

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) A compliant and complicit mainstream media ignored wholesale a blockbuster report about the Biden regime’s ongoing censorship of free speech and covert manipulation of social media, opting instead to castigate the reporters who unearthed damning leaks and emails from the Department of Homeland Security.

While the bulk of fake news media ignored the reporting, Rep. Dan Bishop, R-N.C., said it needed to be addressed.

DHS and social media companies work together to silence free speech,” Bishop tweeted. “This blatant censorship WILL NOT be tolerated. 

“I am drafting legislation to impose harsh criminal penalties on government officials who violate Americans’ 1st amendment rights.”

The Intercept revealed that the Biden regime’s practices of censorship and propaganda on social media have been ongoing, widespread and totalitarian to the brink of fascism, according to a deep-dive by popular substack Techno Fog.

The DHS is “directly engaging with social media companies to flag MDM” (MDM is defined as mis-information, dis-information, and mal-information). It is doing so ‘Ahead of midterm elections in 2022’ and is readying its efforts with eyes focused on 2024,” informed Techno Fog.

The reporting continued, noting that “The DHS focus on disinformation isn’t limited to elections. It is recommended to focuses on misinformation ‘that undermines critical functions carried out by other key democratic institutions, such as the courts, or by other sectors such as the financial system, or public health measures.’”

And to do so, government agents are using third-party collaborators to hide the Biden regime’s connection, with DHS seeking to “inspire innovators to partner with the government” without this “being seen as government ‘propaganda’”.

“The DHS plan would “provide financial support” to non-governmental partners who counter “false and misleading narratives,” reported Techno Fog.

“In other words, US government contractors who would receive funding to suffocate anti-government narratives.”

All of which is apparently fine with regime puppet media, according to journalist Leighton Woodhouse.

“The absolute epitome of the media industry is Lee Fang dropping a blockbuster story of national importance and the response from journalists on Twitter is to line up to scold him for appearing on Tucker,” he wrote.

Mainstream media’s blackout of The Intercept’s story ran the spectrum, reported Hot Air, which noted that an internet search “for ‘The Intercept” with ‘DHS’ turns up one link at the Washington Post, which helpfully loads its ‘Democracy Dies in Darkness’ logo at the top of every page.”

A search for reporting at the New York Times returned similar results showing a blackout of coverage, the same result produced from a search of CNN, according to Hot Air.

CNBC’s Jim Cramer took it a step further, not just ignoring The Intercept’s scoop but praising the state’s propaganda peddling.

“What do you do if you told people the way to beat this is no vaccine, and now you have a vaccine?” Cramer asked, with a huge Pfizer logo in the background on the show’s set.

“So I think what you need is a propagandist,” Cramer declared.

“Outside of the state infrastructure to start moving political opinion?” ventured a co-host after an uncomfortably long shocked silence.

The sheer scope of DHS involvement at the highest levels to suppress free speech and actively promote blatant propaganda shocked a former NSA analyst.

“There’s no defending this,” wrote security expert John Schindler. “You worried about USG-Big Tech-Democrat collusion to suppress WrongThink? You were right.”

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