Friday, July 26, 2024

Top Dem Lawyers Litigate ALREADY After Census Reapportionment

'We’re facing a Republican Party that is willing to bend or break the rules of democracy simply to hold onto power...'

Powerful Democrat lawyers, including former US attorney general Eric Holder, were ready once again to “sue till blue” after the decennial census determined that several left-dominated states would be losing seats in the US House, as well as presidential electors.

Although blue-leaning Colorado and Oregon were among the states that gained seats, several others—including New York, California and Illinois—all lost at least one. Battleground states Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania—as well as reliably red West Virginia—also lost seats.

Not long after the announcement, lawyers for the National Redistricting Action Fund, a ‘nonprofit’ offshoot of the Holder-led National Democratic Redistricting Committee, filed their first suit in Pennsylvania to preemptively challenge the redistricting there by the Republican-led legislature.

Holder held a conference call for media, alongside notorious leftist election attorney Marc Elias, to bash Republicans for attempting to fulfill their constitutional duty of redrawing district maps.

“We’re facing a Republican Party that is willing to bend or break the rules of democracy simply to hold onto power,” Holder claimed.

Despite Holder’s gaslighting, NDRC tax records have revealed that the true intention of the group, by its own admission, is to “favorably position” his own party.

Determining whether the dramatic population shift helped or hurt red states was likely to depend on whether those fleeing decided to bring their politics with them.

The demographic changes have previously benefited leftists in reliably red states like Colorado and Virginia, which are now considered solid blue.

Similarly, Georgia‘s election of two far-left senators and its apparent—albeit disputed—backing of President Joe Biden in the 2020 election have thrown election dynamics into turmoil.

The NDRC and other activist groups have at least 13 red-trending states on their target list—including Texas, whose 38 congressional delegates are second only to California’s.

The Lone Star State was one of four red-leaning states—along with Florida, Montana and North Carolina—that benefited from the population boom by adding additional seats.

Meanwhile, in California, it was reportedly the far-left state’s first time ever to see its population dwindle enough to cost a seat as high taxes and authoritarian lockdown rules—along with other nanny-state regulations—led to a major exodus.

The toll likely would have been even more devastating under policies set in place by former president Donald Trump that would have prevented the counting of illegal immigrants—a significant source of population bolstering several pro-open-border sanctuary states.

However, legal challenges and deep-state foot dragging within the Census Bureau helped to punt the official deadline for the census count. Following the outcome of the November election, census administrators declared that they would simply refuse to comply with Trump’s order.

The subsequent ‘revisions’ made under the Biden administration helped stem the Left’s losses by adding 2.5 million more residents to blue states and subtracting 500,000 from red states, according to economist Stephen Moore, co-founder of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity.

The original projections likely would have had New York and Illinois both losing two seats instead of one, and Rhode Island also losing a seat.

“The fact that almost all of the Census revisions benefited the blue states and subtracted from the red states looks very suspicious,” Moore said in a press release. “We can’t have a politicized Census count.”

Moore called on Congress to use its oversight powers, although that seems highly unlikely given the current Democrat majorities in both chambers.

“Congress must investigate how 2.5 million more residents suddenly appeared in the Democratic states,” he said. “These changes could affect control of Congress in 2022 and the electoral college totals in the 2024 and 2028 presidential elections.”

But Democrat leaders, including embattled New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, also sought to apply political pressure by baselessly accusing the Trump administration of rigging the census.

“Census takers in New York faced unprecedented challenges last year in their efforts to get New Yorkers counted—from the pandemic’s effect on the mail system to the Trump Administration’s xenophobic, flagrant, and illegal efforts to hurt blue states by discouraging non-citizens and people of color from being counted,” Cuomo claimed in a statement Tuesday.

Cuomo—who has previously blamed Trump for the losses in New York’s population and has publicly fretted over the loss of tax revenue—attempted to claim that the population there was booming, contrary to evidence.

“[D]espite a growing state population, New York State’s congressional delegation will lose a seat in the House of Representatives next year, having fallen an equally-unprecedented 89 responses short of continuity,” he claimed.

Cuomo said he planned to ask New York Attorney General Letitia James to challenge the determination, hinting that he would seek to play the race card.

“So much of our state’s recovery, revitalization, and resilience is dependent on having our voice heard in Washington, and we won’t allow Trump and his cronies to use one of our greatest attributes—our diversity—as an impediment,” he said. “I’m calling on the Attorney General to review all legal options available to ensure the voice of every New Yorker is fairly and wholly represented in the halls of Congress.”

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