Sunday, February 23, 2025

Bill de Blasio Doubles Down on ‘Mission’ to Redistribute Wealth and Combat Racism

'We are going to fight structural racism through redistribution, so Fox News, congratulations, fair and balanced coverage right there...'

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio doubled down on his “mission” to combat racism in the city by redistributing wealth.

Addressing the economic impact the coronavirus pandemic has had on the African–American community, government officials need to “make them the priority,” de Blasio said.

“So that’s what we will be doing as we go into 2021, as we go into the next school year,” he said on Friday. “I’d like to say very bluntly: our mission is to redistribute wealth.”

De Blasio said Fox News was “apparently very interested” in his comments.

He even commended the reputedly right-leaning network for accurately characterizing his position.

“I’m going to say it one more time in case Fox News is watching again: ‘NYC mayor sees the redistribution of wealth as an important factor toward ending structural racism in education,’” de Blasio said, quoting the Fox News headline.

“Exactly right. I don’t get to say it very often, but Fox News got it exactly right. Amen,” de Blasio continued. “We are going to fight structural racism through redistribution, so Fox News, congratulations, fair and balanced coverage right there.”

Liberal Democrats as recently as the Obama era have denied that socialism-tinged policies undergirded their true agenda, but the success of vote fraud during the Nov. 3 election has emboldened some to lay their cards on the table.

New York City and other urban areas have become particularly insulated bastions for the radical Left. An influx of illegal immigrants has helped bolster public demand for policies that flout America’s democratic and capitalistic institutions, which feed into the structure of power and class divisions.

“If we think we’re going to deal with structural racism and segregation without redistribution of wealth, we’re kidding ourselves,” de Blasio said. “Nothing changes unless you put the resources behind it.”

Conservatives slammed de Blasio for advocating for “communist” policies.

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