Saturday, September 7, 2024

COVID’s Midterm Variant Arrives, Right on Cue

'If you are not vaccinated to the fullest ... then you’re putting yourself at an increased risk that you can mitigate against by getting vaccinated...'

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) With the midterm elections approaching and a desperate need of another round of mail-in ballots, leftists are pushing the latest brand of the coronavirus, this time known as the dreaded BA.5 variant.

While there is no indication that the new midterm variant is more virulent than earlier ones, some experts say it may be more resistant to vaccines and natural immunity, leading to a resurgence of cases, Yahoo! News reported.

Remarkably, globalist vaccine investor Bill Gates predicted just such a scenario last year.

However, Ashish Jha, the White House’s current COVID response coordinator, said that in partnership with state powers, the nation’s medical and political elites can save its people once more.

“We know how to manage it,” Jha said at a virtual press briefing. “We can prevent serious illness. We can save lives and we can minimize disruptions caused by COVID-19.”

Former COVID czar Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, predictably said that getting the latest version of the jab is the surest way to avoid infection.

“The threat to you is now,” he said. “If you are not vaccinated to the fullest … then you’re putting yourself at an increased risk that you can mitigate against by getting vaccinated.”

Even though BA.5 resists the vaccines to some degree, Fauci insisted that getting the jab is “still effective at preventing severe COVID-19 outcomes.”

Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, also preached the dangers of the new variant.

“We do know [BA.5] to be more transmissible and more immune-evading,” Walensky said earlier this week. “People with prior infection, even with BA.1 or BA.2, are likely still at risk for BA.4 and BA.5.”

Other medical experts expressed even less optimism.

Eric Topol, founder of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, wrote in a piece for the Los Angeles Times that “BA.5 puts the nail in the coffin of the myth that the virus will evolve into a milder form and fade away.”

According to Topol, there could be another long, dark winter ahead.

“We could easily see more variants—indeed a whole new family with more extensive immune evasion and growth advantage—in the months ahead.”

While the uptick in COVID cases may be real, conservative skeptics have cautioned that aspects of the latest surge may be politically engineered to create another election-swaying panic like the one that undermined ballot integrity in the 2020 election.

“You can even put aside the discussion over fraud,” wrote RedState on Tuesday, acknowledging the narrowly defined legal standard of vote fraud, which deterred many state and federal elections officials from intervening in the dubious tactics perpetrated by a cabalistic network of well-funded leftist operatives.

“The fact is that Democrats benefit from ballot harvesting and mass mail-in voting,” RedState continued. “There’s a reason they wanted to federalize those practices while eliminating election security provisions like voter ID.”

In addition to COVID, some media have hyped monkeypox and bird flu as possible health threats that may require blue states to issue new emergency orders for voting.

Headline USA’s Ben Sellers contributed to this report.

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