Tuesday, October 22, 2024


New Report Outlines Chinese Infiltration of U.S. Universities

'These investigations almost seem to be a shooting-fish-in-a-barrel exercise...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) Several months ago, Charles Lieber was arrested and indicted for allegedly spying for the Chinese government. Lieber, 60, was a longtime Harvard professor and chair of the prestigious Harvard Chemistry and Biology Department. Unbeknownst to the U.S. government, he...

REPORT: Biden Cancer Org. Gave Millions to Top Execs, Little to Actual Research

Funding for defunct initiative came from 57 'partnerships' with drug and health-insurance industries... (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) A nonprofit established by presidential candidate Joe Biden has given millions of dollars to its top executives, but very little money toward actual cancer research, according to a report by the Washington Free...

Soccer Team Drops National Anthem; Will Play Communist's Song Instead

'It represents a future Tulsa Athletic is committed to striving for...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) Tulsa Athletic, a semi-pro soccer team, said Wednesday that they will stop singing "The Star-Spangled Banner" before games and instead play "This Land is Your Land." Tulsa Athletic, a part of the National Premier Soccer League, said...

PROJECT VERITAS: Second Whistleblower Reveals Facebook’s Culture of Radical Leftism

'A bunch of s***tty f***ing rednecks threatening civil war if they remove our duly elected president... Trump supporters are f*cking crazy-*ss *ssholes...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Two days after Facebook whistleblower Zach McElroy exposed the rampant bias within the social-media giant's content-moderation warehouses, a second whistleblower has come forward, adding...

REPORT: U.S. Marshals Prepare to Protect Statues Nationwide

'We are looking at long-term jail sentences for these vandals...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) The U.S. Marshals Service has reportedly been asked to prepare to protect monuments nationwide as part of President Trump’s vow to crackdown on mobs that try to tear down historical statues. Marshals Service Assistant Director Andrew Smith...

Strzok Notes Suggest that Obama, Biden Directed FBI’s Flynn Conspiracy

'Have the right people on...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The personal notes of biased FBI agent Peter Strzok on Wednesday led to several stunning new revelations in the Obamagate scandal to frame former national security adviser Michael Flynn with a perjury trap. ?Peter Strzok notes from 1/4/17 released in Flynn case: Discussion...

Oregon County Requires Face Masks…for White People ONLY

'It looks like almost every criminal sketch of any garden-variety black suspect...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) An Oregon County passed a directive last week requiring everyone to wear a face mask in public, except for people of color worried about “racial profiling.” The Lincoln County Public Health Administrator announced last week...

NC Gov. Spends ‘Hundreds of Thousands’ of Taxpayer $$ to Remove Monument 

'It’s past time that these painful memorials be moved in a legal, safe way...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) Removing historic monuments from the North Carolina state Capitol without legislative approval isn’t just a submissive nod to violent mobs, but it’s also expensive. A multi-day effort to remove a single 75-foot tall...

WATCHDOG: FDA Partnered w/ Aborted-Fetus Supplier to Engineer ‘Humanized’ Mice

'Age range 16-24 weeks ... must be fresh and never frozen...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) The Food and Drug Administration entered into eight contracts over the span of six years to acquire “fresh and never frozen” tissue from a fetal tissue firm, according to a report by Judicial Watch. Records show...

Juneteenth Celebrations Marred by Shootings, COVID Spikes

'There’s something going on at the moment, these underlying tensions...' (Ben Sellers Liberty Headlines) President Donald Trump quipped that he had made Juneteenth celebrations famous after igniting controversy for scheduling his recent return to the campaign trail on the customary African--American day of celebration. But with the informal holiday commemorating the...

Governor of Rhode Island Issues Order to Change the State’s Name

'In no way am I trying to erase history. But we shouldn’t glorify our shameful past...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) At a time when nearly anything can be construed as racist or promoting slavery, the governor of Rhode Island is upping the ante. Gov. Gina Raimondo, the Democratic chief executive of...

Former NFL Star: Re-Hiring Kaepernick Would Be ‘Affirmative Action for a Marxist’

'They don’t care enough about their fans who love this country...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Former NFL player Burgess Owens blasted NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell for encouraging the league to rehire failed quarterback Colin Kaepernick. Owens argued that giving the washed-up Kaepernick a starting quarterback job would be like “affirmative action...
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