Wednesday, October 2, 2024


REPORT: Terry McAuliffe Accepted $350K Donation from Sketchy British National

Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe may have violated federal law when he accepted a $350,000 donation from a scandal-ridden telecom company whose owner is a British national, the Washington Free Beacon reported. McAuliffe, a Democrat who governed Virginia from 2014 to 2018, accepted the donation from LycaTel, which sells discounted...

WATCH: Radio Host Confronts Gobsmacked Fauci, Demands He Resign

Radio host Hugh Hewitt grilled COVID czar Anthony Fauci on Wednesday, asserting that Americans no longer believe the fear-mongering doctor due to his routine contradictions and absurd claims, Fox News reported. Hewitt began the interview by telling Dr. Fauci that he and other Americans believe that Fauci has caused great...

Could Instagram’s Teen-Girl Scandal Help Usher Facebook’s Downfall?

Nineteen-year-old Gigi Painter hopes Facebook’s planned “Instagram Kids” never becomes a reality. Growing up in a small Ohio town, Painter said she and most of her friends created Instagram accounts by lying about their ages years before they turned 13. She recalls constant pressure to post good photos that would garner...

Did YouTube ‘Mistakenly’ Cancel the WRONG R. Paul?

YouTube attempted to cancel libertarian leader Ron Paul yesterday, perhaps to punish the vaccination skepticism of his high-profile son, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. The Google-owned company blacklisted the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, the former presidential candidate's organization, Breitbart reported. Ron Paul expressed his confusion in a tweet yesterday. Very...

Aussie Lockdown Fiasco a Grim Warning for Blue-State COVIDians

Melbourne, Australia's COVID-19 cases have reached record levels, despite the Australian government's tyrannical measures taken to lock down their country, Reuters reported. Disturbingly, leftists have looked to Australia as a model for enacting bureaucratic control over citizens. Australia has become increasingly totalitarian in recent years, especially as its state-controlled media machine...

Leaked Pentagon Doc: Most COVID Deaths, Hospitalizations Are Vaxxed Individuals

A leaked document approved by the Department of Defense affirmed what many have speculated---that the COVID-19 vaccines have caused more hospitalizations than the virus itself in 2020, the Maga Institute reported. The Left for many months has promulgated the lie that unvaccinated citizens are causing the coronavirus to continue its...

Judge Set to Hear Biden Admin Challenge to Texas’s Heartbeat Law

(Headline USA) A federal judge on Friday will consider whether Texas can leave a law that bans most abortions and sent pro-abortion leftists into a tizzy since being passed last month. A lawsuit filed by the Biden administration seeks to land the first legal blow against the Texas law known...

Durham Issues New Subpoenas to Clinton/DNC-Linked Law Firm

Special Counsel John Durham sent new subpoenas last month to Perkins Coie, a law firm that represented Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee, the Gateway Pundit reported. Durham issued the subpoenas shortly after he charged Perkins Coie lawyer Michael Sussmann for lying to the FBI about...

Bipartisan Bill Seeks to ‘Recalibrate’ Presidential Power over National Security

(Brent Addleman, The Center Square) A bipartisan bill introduced in Congress aims to bring back the balance of power with the president, according to the co-authors of the bill. Rep. James P. McGovern, D-Mass., chairman of the House Rules Committee, and Rep. Peter Meijer, R-Mich., ranking member of the Homeland...

ANOTHER Poll Shows Biden Losing Ground in Key Demos Amid Policy Failures

President Joe Biden's popularity has slumped after a slew of failures in recent weeks at home and abroad, according to a new poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. Even sympathetic media and polling outlets are now being forced to acknowledge that the leader who pledged to...

SCOTUS Slated to Hear Big Cases on Abortion, Guns in Upcoming Term

(The Conversation) The Supreme Court begins its annual term on Oct. 4, with a packed agenda highlighted by three cases alleging violations of constitutional rights. One is about religious rights. A second is about gun rights. And the biggest case this year is a challenge to abortion laws. Several states are asking the...

BYE-BYE VAX: Merck Unveils COVID Pill that Cuts Hospitalizations in Half

(Headline USA) Merck & Co. said Friday that its experimental COVID-19 pill reduced hospitalizations and deaths by half in people recently infected with the coronavirus and that it would soon ask health officials in the U.S. and around the world to authorize its use. If cleared, Merck's drug would be...
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