Monday, September 30, 2024


Child Porn Allegations Spark Exodus of Corporate Ads from Twitter

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Several major advertisers on Twitter have pulled their services from the platform after tweets seeking child sex abuse material have appeared on or alongside their profile pages and promoted ads. Ghost Data, a cyber security group, teased the release of a new report about child sex...

Weatherman Who Left Kitten to Die in Storm Gave Campaign Cash to Bernie Sanders

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) A Florida weatherman who filmed a kitten stranded on a bench as water levels rose around it donated to Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders in the 2020 presidential election cycle, according to records from the Federal Election Commission. WINK-TV meteorologist Dylan Federico donated four times to...

Illinois Election Results May Be Delayed by 2 Weeks from 463K+ Mail-In Ballots

(Greg Bishop, The Center Square) With the bulk coming from Cook County and Chicago, more than 463,000 vote-by-mail ballots could be in the mix for Illinois’s Nov. 8 election, delaying election outcomes by up to two weeks. Along with early voting beginning Thursday in Illinois, local elections officials are sending...

DeSantis Takes Charge as Hurricane Ian Slams Fla.

(Headline USA) Hurricane Ian left a path of destruction in southwest Florida, trapping people in flooded homes, damaging the roof of a hospital intensive care unit and knocking out power to 2 million people before aiming for the Atlantic Coast. One of the strongest hurricanes to ever hit the United States...

Fetterman Snubs Philly, Plagued by Violent Crime and Killings

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) As the alleged City of Brotherly Love is being systematically destroyed by a deadly wave of violent crime and murderous mayhem, turning Philadelphia into what one resident called “a cesspool of lawlessness," the state’s far-left Lt. Gov. John Fetterman continues to run his Senate campaign on...

YouTube’s Bias Becomes More Overt as it Censors Growing Number of Conservatives

(Chris Parker, Headline USA) Despite Google's laughably implausible claims that it's non-partisan, the tech giant continues to blatantly censor conservatives on its flagship video platform, YouTube. An alarming number of videos featuring prominent conservatives have recently been removed on the basis of "misinformation," reported The Daily Wire. American Conservative Union revealed...

Biden Faces Backlash after Giving Shout-Out to Dead U.S. Representative

(Chris Parker, Headline USA) President Joe Biden's latest cognitive collapse came in the form of a grand shout-out to a deceased congressional representative, sparking renewed concerns and questions about the aged resident-in-chief's mental decline. Biden was delivering his opening comments Wednesday during a speech at the White House Conference on...

Global Censorship on the Rise w/ Leftist Push

(Headline USA) New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern called this week for an international alliance to crack down on so-called “misinformation," arguing that governments have a responsibility to restrict speech that those same governments have deemed dangerous. Ardern compared “misinformation” to “weapons of war,” and claimed it is a “threat to our...

Texas Dem Says He’s Begged Biden to Secure the Border

(Headline USA) Texas Democrat Rep. Henry Cuellar said this week that he has begged President Joe Biden to do more to secure the southern border, but has been ignored repeatedly. Cuellar said illegal immigrants have been flooding into his district over the border, and has argued that the U.S. government needs...

CNN’s Purge Continues w/ Another 20 Employees Axed

(Headline USA) CNN’s purge continued this week with the network firing another 20 staffers originally assigned to its failed CNN+ streaming service that was axed earlier this year. Multiple sources confirmed to the Daily Beast on Wednesday that CNN got rid of the remaining staffers attached to CNN+, including those...

Dems Double Down on Soros Plan to Buy Sec. of State Races

(Ezekiel Loseke, Headline USA) George Soros’s 2006 strategy to purchase Secretary of State elections is being repeated by Democrats in 2022. The cosmopolitan oligarch’s 2006 plan was called the “Secretary of State Project," according to RedState. Soros’s project was a Political Action Committee focused on electing leftists to oversee elections in crucial...

New Poll: New York Democrats Losing Independents, Third-Party Voters

(The Center Square) – A new Siena College Research Institute poll released Wednesday shows Democrats losing support from New York independent and third-party voters. There are some issues on which those likely voters still find common ground with Democrats, including 63% who oppose the Supreme Court’s decision earlier this year...
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