Thursday, September 19, 2024


White House, Trump Dispute Woodward Characterizations of Virus Response

(Headline USA) President Donald Trump talked in private about the “deadly” coronavirus last February, even as he was declaring to America it was no worse than the flu and insisting it was under control, according to a new book by journalist Bob Woodward. Trump said Wednesday he was just being a...

Trump Releases List of 20 New Possible Supreme Court Picks

(Headline USA) Hoping to replicate a strategy long seen as key to his appeal among conservative voters, President Donald Trump on Wednesday announced he is adding 20 names to a list of Supreme Court candidates he's pledged to choose from if he has future vacancies to fill. The list includes a...

Wisc. Gov. Has ‘No Regrets’ About Response to Kenosha Shooting

(Headline USA) Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers said Wednesday that he has “no regrets” about how the state responded to riots that broke out in Kenosha following the police shooting of Jacob Blake. Blake, who is black, was shot seven times from behind by white Kenosha police officer Rusten Sheskey on Aug....

Tucker Carlson, Fox News Blow Away Competition in TV Ratings

(Headline USA) Tucker Carlson drew the television equivalent of a royal flush on the week before Labor Day. The controversial Fox News Channel personality had all five of his weeknight programs land in the Nielsen company's 20 most popular programs last week. Four of them were in the Top 10. Fox's Sean Hannity...

New Trump Rule CUTS Universities’ Funding if They Violate Students’ Religious, Speech Rights

(Associated Press) The Trump administration is moving forward with a policy that expands protections for religious groups on college campuses and threatens to cut federal education funding to colleges that violate free speech rules. The rule was issued by the Education Department Wednesday, less than two months before the election, and...

President Trump Nominated for SECOND Nobel Peace Prize

(Headline USA)A Norwegian lawmaker said Wednesday that he has nominated U.S. President Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world. Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a member of the Norwegian Parliament for the conservative Progress Party, said Trump should be considered because of...

Disney Thanks Chinese Propagandists in ‘Mulan’ After Filming Where Uighers are Abused

(Headline USA) Disney is under fire for filming part of its live-action reboot “Mulan” in Xinjiang, the region in China where the government has abused human rights against Uighurs and other predominantly Muslim minorities. The final credits in the film, which was released on Disney Plus last week and is being...

UPDATE: Trump Cutting US Troops in Iraq to 3,000 This Month

UPDATE: (Associated Press) The United States is reducing its troop presence in Iraq this month from 5,200 to 3,000, the top American commander for the Middle East said Wednesday, as President Donald Trump tries to make good on his campaign promise to get America out of “endless wars." During a visit...

Women Charged w/ Hate Crimes After Attacks on Trump Supporters

(Associated Press) Two women are facing hate crime charges after confronting a 7-year-old boy and his mother outside the Democratic National Convention in Delaware over their support of President Donald Trump and seizing a “Make America Great Again” hat. Outside the DNC Convention tonight, radical leftists attacked a 7 year old...

DOJ Asks to Defend Trump in Rape Accuser’s Defamation Suit

(Headline USA) The Justice Department is asking to take over President Donald Trump's defense in a defamation lawsuit from a writer who accused him of rape, and federal lawyers asked a court Tuesday to allow a move that could put the American people on the hook for any money she...

Ga. Elections Official Says Over 1,000 May Have Double-Voted in Primary

(Headline USA) Georgia's top elections official said Tuesday that his office has identified about 1,000 cases of “potential double voting” in the June primary election --- a felony he's determined to see prosecuted. These voters submitted absentee ballots but also voted in person, a problem that happened across 100 Georgia counties,...

FRAUD ALERT: Absentee Ballot Rejections Could TRIPLE in November

(Headline USA) Thousands of absentee ballots get rejected in every presidential election. This year, that problem could be much worse and potentially pivotal in hotly contested battleground states. With the coronavirus creating a surge in mail-in balloting and postal delays reported across the country, the number of rejected ballots in November is...
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