Wednesday, June 26, 2024


US Military Plans to Make Vax Mandatory for Members by Mid-September

(Associated Press) Members of the U.S. military would be required to have the COVID-19 vaccine beginning Sept. 15, under a plan announced by the Pentagon Monday and endorsed by President Joe Biden. That deadline could be pushed up if the vaccine receives final FDA approval or infection rates continue to rise. “I...

JUDGE: Norwegian Cruise Lines Can Force Passengers in Fla. to Be Vaxxed

(Associated Press) A federal judge on Sunday night granted Norwegian Cruise Line’s request to temporarily block a Florida law banning cruise companies from asking passengers for proof of coronavirus vaccination before they board a ship. U.S. District Judge Kathleen Williams granted the preliminary injunction in a lawsuit challenging the state’s “vaccine...

Fauci Expects FDA Vax Approval to Spur Wave of New Mandates

(Headline USA) The U.S. government's discredited infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, said Sunday that he was hopeful the Food and Drug Administration will give full approval to the coronavirus vaccine by month's end. He predicted the potential move will spur a wave of vaccine mandates in the private sector...

Speeding & Highway Deaths Spiked During Lockdowns & Haven’t Fallen

(Headline USA) Motorists put the pedal to the metal during the COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions on liberty, and police are worried as roads get busy with the final stretch of summer travel. The latest data shows the number of highway deaths in 2020 was the greatest in more than a...

8 GOP-Controlled States Pass Bans on ‘Zuckerbucks’-Type Donations for Elections

(Headline USA) Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg donated $400 million last year to help fund election offices as they scrambled to inject the election with enough fraud and illegal rules changes to elect President Joe Biden. Republican legislatures are working to ensure that Zuckerberg cannot buy another election. At least eight GOP-controlled...

Minneapolis City Council Pushes Ballot Initiative to Dismantle Police

(Headline USA) More than a year after Marxist activists started pushing to abolish the Minneapolis Police Department, activists and several City Council members are trying again, with a well-funded initiative that would ask voters in November whether the department should be dismantled. In its place would be a public safety...

Ignoring Covid Hysteria, Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Draws 700,000

(Headline USA) Law enforcement officials say the first few days of this year's Sturgis Motorcycle Rally have been among the busiest they've seen, despite constant COVID-19 fear-mongering from the corporate media, health bureaucrats, and elected officials. Some 700,000 people were expected to celebrate their enthusiasm for motorcycles at the 10-day...

DESANTIS: Fla. Will Pay for Private School if Districts Force Kids to Wear Masks

(Headline USA) Florida’s Board of Education decided Friday to provide private school vouchers to parents who say a public school district’s mask-wearing requirements amount to harassment of their children. The move to take private tuition costs from public school funding created yet another flashpoint in the fight between local school boards...

Federal Workers Could be Fined or Imprisoned if They Lie on Vax Form

(Associated Press) Federal employees who need to certify their vaccination status under a new policy instituted by President Joe Biden, intended to encourage COVID-19 shots, will face disciplinary action and potentially criminal prosecution if they lie on the form. The Biden administration on Friday unveiled the attestation form that employees will...

Woman Who Accused Cuomo of Groping Her Breast Files Criminal Complaint

(Associated Press) A woman who accused New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo of groping her breast at the governor's state residence filed a criminal complaint against him, the Albany County Sheriff's office said Friday. The complaint, filed Thursday with the sheriff's office, is the first known instance where a woman has made...

Mark McCloskey Wants His Guns Back After Mo. Governor’s Pardon

(Headline USA) The St. Louis man who along with his wife was pardoned after waving guns at trespassing liberal marauders has filed a lawsuit to have the guns returned and to have fines the couple paid returned to them. Mark McCloskey, a Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate, argued in a...

CNN Fires Three Employees for Coming to Work Unvaccinated

(Associated Press) CNN has fired three employees who violated company policy by coming to work unvaccinated against the COVID-19 virus. CNN chief Jeff Zucker told staff members of the firing in a memo sent Thursday that reminded them that vaccines were mandatory if they report to the office or out in...
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