Sunday, September 22, 2024


TRUMP: Buttigieg Exit to Help Dems ‘Taking Bernie Out of Play’

'The Dems are working hard to take the prized nomination away from Bernie. Backroom politics, which Bernie is not very good at...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) President Donald Trump predicted this weekend that former mayor Pete Buttigieg’s surprising exit from the 2020 race is a sign that establishment Democrats are...

Pro-Trump Super-PAC Rejects Obama’s Cease-and-Desist Demands

' reject these banal attempts to abuse the legal process and shut down grassroots-driven political speech your firm disagrees with...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) A pro-Trump super-PAC rejected former President Barack Obama’s demand that it remove an ad featuring past comments he made criticizing the "plantation politics" of insincere politicians...

Climate Hypocrite Bernie Pays More to Fly on Private Jets Than Any Other Candidate

'The transportation sector accounts for about 26% of carbon pollution emissions...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has spent more money on private jet travel than any other Democratic candidate. Last quarter, he wrote a $1.2 million check to Apollo Jets LLC, a “luxury private jet charter service,” according...

REPORT: Net U.S. Taxpayer Cost Per Refugee Is Around $60K

'Given these costs, policymakers have to decide if it makes more sense to settle a modest number here or help many more people overseas...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) An analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies found that the net cost, on average, for each refugee resettled in the United...

DNC Super-Delegates Plot to Bypass Bernie, Support Michelle Obama?

'This election is about saving the American experiment as a republic. It's also about saving the world...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) A growing number of Democratic delegates are hoping to stop Bernie Sanders from winning the presidential nomination---even if that means isolating Sanders’s leftist base. Dozens of Democratic Party leaders and...

WATCHDOG: ‘Suspiciously High’ Voter Registration Rates in Swing States

'All you need is a little bit of chaos to spread distrust...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Voters in three key swing states are threatening to sue state officials after an independent organization discovered a “suspiciously high” voter registration rate. The nonprofit Honest Elections Project found that election officials in Colorado, Florida...

California County Creates Special Taskforce to Confiscate Guns

'We know that any gun that's out there in the hands of someone illegally has the potential for violence...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) California’s Santa Clara County announced it will create a new task force specifically charged with confiscating firearms from citizens deemed unfit to own weapons. The “County Gun Team”...

UPDATE: Hillary Took More $$ from Weinstein Than Any Other Dem

'He contributed to Barack Obama's campaign and John Kerry's campaign and Al Gore's campaign and everybody's campaign...' UPDATE: The New York Post reports that Harvey Weinstein bundled $1.4 million for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential bid, and gave her more than $73,000 in 1999 when she ran for Senate --- more...

Barr Clashes w/ GOP Leaders over FISA Reauthorization, Reforms

'We can’t simply reauthorize the system that allowed those lies and omissions to happen...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Only months since a report from the Department of Justice inspector general shockingly identified 17 abuses committed by the FBI in its Russia collusion investigation, GOP legislators are at odds with the...

Utah's Mike Lee Earns Trump's Favor Despite Voting with Him Less than Mitt Romney

'The president’s comments and behavior shows he clearly favors Senator Lee over Romney...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, has positioned himself as the Senate's most vocal 'NeverTrump' Republican, but he votes with the president much more than Mike Lee, Utah's senior Republican senator, The Salt Lake Tribune...

AOC: Bloomberg Would Be a ‘Worse Trump’

'A Trump that’s more sophisticated, whose fascism is less obvious, is going to come...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Rep. Alexandria Ocasio--Cortez, D-N.Y., suggested that former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg would be “a worse Trump” if he were elected president. "Obviously, we have to beat Trump, but if we beat...

AOC Opposes Charter Schools, Even Though She Benefited from One

'Charter schools act as tools for privatizing education and weakening the power of unionized teachers...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., whose platform opposes the Trump administration’s pro-school choice policies, once bragged about getting her goddaughter into a competitive charter school in New York, according to the New...
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