Sunday, September 22, 2024


Bernie Commends Authoritarians Again for Actions That Had a ‘Positive Impact’

'What do you think the South Koreans think when they see him praise China like that?'... (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders once again defended former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro’s communist regime during Sunday’s Democratic debate, leading Joe Biden to criticize Sanders for praising a regime known for...

Biden Goes All-In on Radical Leftist Policies at Debate w/ Bernie

'It's a good idea, and after consideration, I am proud to add it to my platform...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) It was expected that Sen. Bernie Sanders would seek to draw a defining line between himself and current front-runner Joe Biden during Sunday's Democratic primary debate in Arizona, setting up...

Biden Under Siege for Calling Illegal Immigrants ‘Aliens’

'There are certain things you cannot deport an undocumented alien for...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Former Vice President Joe Biden used the world “aliens” to refer to illegal immigrants during Sunday’s debate with Sen. Bernie Sanders, but quickly backtracked and called them “persons.” .@JoeBiden refers to an undocumented person as "undocumented...

Another Broken Promise: Bloomberg Will Not Spend to 'Turn Texas Blue'

'I am disappointed. I do wish he had followed up on that commitment...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg told Democrats that he would “help turn Texas blue” with his fat checkbook, but now that his own campaign has failed, he's reneging, The Texas Tribune...

Washington Post Gives Biden 'Four Pinocchios' for Doctoring Trump's Coronavirus Comments

'Campaigns must be willing to make their case without resorting to video manipulation....' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) The Washington Post's fact-checkers awarded Joe Biden's campaign "Four Pinocchios" for manipulating videos of President Donald Trump talking about the coronavirus and the American Dream. Biden tweeted the video on March 3, before the...

AOC Blames ‘Voter Suppression’ for Bernie’s Loss in Dem.-Controlled Michigan

'At a time when Democrats correctly attack Republicans for voter suppression, it is disappointing to see people standing in long lines for hours today waiting to vote in Michigan...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Rep. Alexandria Ocasio--Cortez, D-N.Y., blamed “rampant voter suppression” for Bernie Sanders’s loss in Michigan, despite the fact...

Trump Helps GOP Sens. Stall Renewal of USA Freedom Act, Derail FBI’s Domestic Spying

'While the House tells us to trust government to police itself, I prefer instead to trust the Founders’ guidance in the Bill of Rights...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) At the behest of two libertarian-leaning GOP senators, President Donald Trump said he would consider vetoing a bill that would renew the...

GRASSLEY: Schools w/ Confucius Institutes Should Be Briefed by FBI on Threats

'The activities of Confucius Institutes are inherently political in nature and intended to influence U.S. policy and public opinion...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, issued a warning to the 77 colleges and universities that still house Chinese-controlled Confucius Institutes, urging them to recognize “the risks” these institutes...

CNN’s Acosta Accuses Trump of ‘Xenophobia’ for Calling Coronavirus ‘Foreign’

'That’s CNN. Fake news...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) CNN’s Jim Acosta claimed President Donald Trump’s Oval Office address on his administration’s coronavirus strategy “smacked of xenophobia.” “I think we should point out, at one point during the address the president referred to the coronavirus as a ‘foreign virus,’” Acosta told Chris...

Trump Sets Sights on DNC’s Cast-Off Bernie Supporters

'There are things that Trump does that they agree with, unquestionably...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As the Democratic primary comes into focus, President Donald Trump's campaign has set its sights on disaffected supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders. "They are not traditional, dyed-in-the wool Democrats, and therefore if the Trump people can...

Trump-Bashers Torn on Whether to Attack Travel Ban or Outbreak Response

'He turns everything into what he thinks is a political benefit for himself, and he’s actually imploding in the process...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As President Donald Trump announced in his Wednesday address from the Oval Office a 30-day travel ban on European countries where the coronavirus has spread rapidly,...

Coronavirus Likely to Boost Bernie’s Poll Prospects in Dem Primaries

'While Joe Biden cont to do very well with older Americans, especially those over 65, our campaign continues to win the vast majority of the votes of younger people...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Public alarm over the potential spread of the coronavirus could breathe new life into Sen. Bernie Sanders's...
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