Friday, September 20, 2024


Mike Lee’s Bill Would Ban Fed Funding for Genital Mutilation of Kids

Sen. Mike Lee, R-Ut., introduced legislation on Tuesday to prevent the federal government from funding sex change research on children, according to a press release. The Protecting Our Kids from Harmful Research Act will outlaw funding for research that subjects children to hormonal treatment or sex organ mutilation surgeries. "The Federal...

George W. Bush to Fundraise for Liz Cheney in Dallas

Former President George W. Bush's top priority in the 2022 midterm elections is helping to keep his former vice president's daughter, Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wy., in the House of Representatives, Fox News reported. Bush has scheduled his first appearance for next year's election at a fundraiser event for Cheney on...

Biden Approval Rating Among Blacks Plummets After Vaccine Mandate

President Joe Biden's approval ratings have drastically fallen, especially among blacks, since his announcement of the federal vaccine mandate, the Morning Consult reported. As of today, only 71% of black voters approve of Biden's work as president --- down five points since he announced his unconstitutional vaccine mandate earlier this...

Maricopa Co. Supervisor Secretly Criticized Colleagues Who Opposed 2020 Election Audit

(Headline USA) A Republican official in Arizona resigned Tuesday from the board overseeing Maricopa County after a recording emerged of him criticizing his GOP colleagues for opposing a review of the 2020 election. During the meeting recorded surreptitiously last March, Supervisor Steve Chucri suggested two fellow Republican county supervisors opposed the...

House Dems Pass Bill to Suspend Debt Limit for Socialist Spending Spree

(Associated Press) The House voted to keep the government funded, suspend the federal debt limit and provide disaster and refugee aid, setting up a high-stakes showdown with Republicans who oppose the package despite the risk of triggering a fiscal crisis. The federal government faces a shutdown if funding stops on Sept....

Colo. County Clerk: Dominion Voting Systems & Sec. of State Deleted Election Files

The clerk in Mesa County, Colorado has claimed, following the release of an 83-page forensic audit report, that Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold and Dominion Voting Systems conspired to delete data from the 2020 presidential election, KKCO reported. Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Tina M. Peters, a Republican, testified...

ACCUSER: IG Who Was Supposed to Watchdog Cuomo Instead Was His ‘Rubber-Stamp’

(Steve Bittenbender, The Center Square) New York Gov. Kathy Hochul again called for patience Monday as she looks to implement ethics reforms in state government and fill a position vacated by an ally of former Gov. Andrew Cuomo. On Friday, City & State reported that Inspector General Letizia Tagliafierro submitted her...

VIDEO: Wisc. Special Counsel Spells Out Goals for 2020 Election Investigation

(Benjamin Yount, The Center Square) The latest update on Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos’ election investigation comes with a promise and a warning. Former state Supreme Court Justice Mike Gableman released a YouTube video on Monday, explaining his investigation into Election Day 2020. “My job as special counsel is to gather all...

SHOCK: GOP Voter Registrations About to Overtake Democrats’ in Fla.

Florida Democrats are reportedly terrified that Republicans will sweep the state during the 2022 midterms after the latest voter registration numbers showed Democrat registrations plummeting. In 2008, Florida Democrats had a voter registration lead of 700,000. By the beginning of 2021, that lead shrunk to roughly 100,000 more registered voters than...

REPORT: Trump Trying to Depose McConnell as Senate GOP Leader

Former president Donald Trump is vetting potential candidates to depose Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., from his leadership position, according to the Wall Street Journal. Trump has been reportedly speaking with senators and allies to see if any other Republican senator would be interested in challenging the leader of...

BOOK: Pelosi Helped Gen. Milley Subvert Trump’s Authority

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., allegedly played a key role in Gen. Mark Milley’s phonecall to his Chinese counterpart in which he assured the communist nation that former president Donald Trump would not “strike” them. On the same day as Milley’s call to China, he reportedly met with Pelosi, where...

SQUAD: Dems Must Ignore Senate Parliamentarian, Pass Amnesty

Leftist congressional members of “the Squad” are demanding that Democrat leaders ignore the Senate parliamentarian’s ruling that stripped amnesty and other imigration reforms from the party’s proposed $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill. The decision by Elizabeth MacDonough, the Senate’s nonpartisan interpreter, is a setback for President Joe Biden and the...
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