Saturday, September 21, 2024


Homophobe Joy Reid Promotes Pornographic Books in Schools

MSNBC blabberer Joy Reid and former RNC chairman Michael Steele teamed up to promote Toni Morrison novels in schools while trivializing the teaching of CRT, Summit News reported. According to the leftist duo, Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin’s campaign of “book banning, anti-blackness, anti-history" has given Republicans a model for encouraging...

Leftist Swiss Billionaire Funding Lobbying Efforts For Biden’s Agenda

A leftist Swiss billionaire is bankrolling a lobbying campaign for President Joe Biden’s $1.85 trillion Build Back Better bill, according to the Washington Free Beacon. Corporation and lobbying records show Swiss healthcare mogul Hansjorg Wyss’s foundation has been funneling money into Democratic dark money organizations that are now lobbying for...

Rittenhouse’s Mother Slams Biden For Smearing Her Son As a ‘White Supremacist’

The mother of Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old charged with killing two rioters who were pursuing him in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last summer, blasted President Joe Biden for smearing her son as a “white supremacist” last year. "When I saw that I was shocked, I was angry," Wendy Rittenhouse told Fox News. "President...

RINO Murkowski Announces Reelection Bid, Faces Trump-Endorsed Conservative

(Headline USA) Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who voted to convict Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial and has repeatedly bumped heads with the former president, announced Friday that she will run for reelection. Trump, who has focused his political efforts on ousting left-leaning alleged Republicans, endorsed a leading opponent of Murkowski...

Ariz. Dems Face Delicate Situation After Losing $2.75M Racism Lawsuit

(Headline USA) A jury has awarded $2.75 million to an Arizona legislative staffer who said she was fired from her job as a policy adviser for state Senate Democrats because of discrimination based on her race and gender. The verdict this week marks the second trial victory for Talonya Adams,...

DeSantis: Bus Biden’s Secret Shipments of Illegals From Fla. to Del.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis's office has released information that President Joe Biden and his administration have sent more than 70 planes full of illegal immigrants into Florida under cover of night, Fox News reported. In return, DeSantis said he plans to send the illegals to Joe Biden's home state --...

Republicans Express Grudging Respect for Inslee’s Secretary of State Pick

(Jeremy Lott, The Center Square) Some Washington Republicans gave far-left Gov. Jay Inslee grudging respect Wednesday for his appointment of state Sen. Steve Hobbs, D-Lake Stevens, to fill the coming secretary of state vacancy. “The Governor made a choice that seems designed to remove an opponent of his policies from the...

13 House Republicans Who Voted for Biden’s Agenda Dismiss Criticism

Several of the 13 House Republicans who broke ranks to save President Joe Biden’s massive infrastructure bill defended their defection and dismissed criticism they’ve received from conservatives. “This is a small group of members who are making loud noises, and it’s falling deaf ears. I’m not concerned about it,” Rep....

NJ Senate President FINALLY Concedes Race to Trucker Edward Durr

(T.A. DeFeo, The Center Square) New Jersey Senate President Steve Sweeney, a Democrat, formally conceded his race in South Jersey’s 3rd District, a shocking turn for one of the Garden State’s most powerful politicians. Sweeney, D-Gloucester, lost to Republican Edward Durr, a political newcomer. Initial reports indicated Durr spent just...

Radical San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin to Face Recall Election Next Year

A recall election against San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin is moving forward after the city’s Board of Elections certified a petition to recall Boudin this week. "As prescribed under California Elections Code 11225, the Department reviewed 4,174 signatures (5% of the total submitted) that were randomly selected from the...

Biden’s National Security Adviser Tied to Russia-Gate Hoax Indictment

Jake Sullivan, President Joe Biden’s national security adviser, has been confirmed as the “foreign policy advisor” referenced in the grand jury indictment of former Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann tied to the ongoing Russia-Gate hoax investigation, according to Fox News. Special counsel John Durham charged Sussmann with lying to the FBI...

Jan. 6 Political Dissident Seeks Asylum from Authoritarian Biden Regime in Belarus

(Headline USA) An American who faces political persecution stemming from the Jan. 6 uprising at the U.S. Capitol is seeking asylum in Belarus, the country's state TV reported, in a move that could further heighten tensions between the former Soviet nation and the far-left Biden regime. Evan Neumann of Mill...
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