Sunday, June 30, 2024


Michigan Health Chief Scoffs at State Supreme Court Ruling, Cites ‘Broad’ Lockdown Authority

(Headline USA) Michigan's health chief said Tuesday he has “broad” legal authority to enforce draconian lockdown demands under the state's emergency regulations, despite a recent court ruling that struck down the Nazi-era law cited by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Robert Gordon, director of the state Department of Health and Human Services,...

Trump Reports ‘No Symptoms’ as He Recovers from Virus

(Headline USA) President Donald Trump is said to be making progress in his recovery from COVID-19, and tweeted his eagerness to return to the campaign trail. As Trump convalesced out of sight in the White House on Tuesday, the administration defended the protections it has put in place to protect the staff...

Biden Refuses to Commit to Disclosing All Info About His Health If Elected

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden refused to commit to disclosing information about his health if he is elected. When asked about President Donald Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis, Biden blasted the president for not being more transparent and vowed to open up about any serious developments or treatments he received. However, he acknowledged...

Trump Compares COVID to Seasonal Flu, and Twitter Censors Him

(Headline USA) Still sickened by COVID-19, President Donald Trump on Tuesday played down the disease that hospitalized him for three days. He compared it anew to the seasonal flu, and was promptly censored by Twitter: The president also signaled he plans to return soon to the campaign trail. Anxious to project strength just four...

CNN ‘Medical Analyst’: Trump Should Be Forced to Undergo ‘Psychiatric Evaluation’

Dr. Leana Wen, a CNN medical analyst and the former president of Planned Parenthood, said on Sunday that President Donald Trump should be forced to undergo a “psychiatric evaluation” because he decided “to go for a car ride” while recovering from the coronavirus. If @realDonaldTrump were my patient, in unstable...

Trump Resumes Work Back at White House

(Headline USA) President Donald Trump staged a dramatic return to the White House after leaving the military hospital where he received care for COVID-19, declaring that despite his illness the nation should not fear the virus. Landing Monday night at the White House on Marine One, Trump climbed the South Portico...

Infected GOP Senator Vows He’ll Go in a ‘Moon Suit’ to Vote Trump’s Court Pick

(Headline USA) Affected by COVID-19 infections, the Republican-led Senate refuses to delay confirmation of President Donald Trump's pick for the Supreme Court. Congress has been holding committee hearings remotely and conducting business by Zoom already, so sick senators can also vote for Judge Amy Coney Barrett, and Democrats appear powerless to...

Trump Says He’s Leaving Hospital for White House; Feels Good

(Headline USA) President Donald Trump said Monday he's leaving the military hospital where he has been treated for COVID-19 and will continue his recovery at the White House. He said he's feeling good and the nation should not be afraid of the virus. Trump's expected return comes as the scale of the...

Trump Says ‘I Learned a Lot About COVID,’ As Supporters Cheer Outside Hospital

(Headline USA) Two days after being hospitalized with COVID-19, President Donald Trump declared, "I get it," in a message to the nation Sunday before briefly leaving the hospital to salute supporters from his motorcade. Hours earlier, Trump's medical team reported that his blood oxygen level dropped suddenly twice in recent...

Here’s What Happens if a Candidate for President Dies

(Headline USA) It's a month before Election Day and President Donald Trump is in the hospital, infected with COVID-19, though in good spirits. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is 77 years old and susceptible to the virus as well. What happens in the election — already well underway — should his...

Doctor: Trump Improving, But Not ‘Out of the Woods’ Yet

(Headline USA) President Donald Trump went through a “very concerning” period Friday and faces a “critical” next two days in his fight against COVID-19 at a military hospital, his chief of staff said Saturday. Trump remained at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Sunday. He offered his own assessment of...

Disputed Anonymous Report: Mike Pence Ordered Borders Closed Due to COVID

(Headline USA) Vice President Mike Pence in March directed the nation's top disease control agency to use its emergency powers to effectively seal the U.S. borders. The action has so far caused nearly 150,000 children and adults to be expelled from the country. The top Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...
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