Friday, September 27, 2024


Omar’s ‘Consulting’ Fees Drop by Millions after Leaving Husband’s Firm

(Headline USA) Rep. Ilhan Omar’s, D-Minn., campaign expenses for consulting dropped by millions of dollars after she stopped working with her husband’s firm, according to Fox News. Omar had dished out millions of dollars to E Street Group, a political consulting firm co-owned by her husband, Tim Mynett, before finally...

CHAZ Thug Who Torched Police Precinct Runs for Seattle City Council

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) An arsonist who received a 2-year sentence for setting fire to a Seattle police precinct during the deadly anarchy-like 2020 Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone -- also known as CHAZ -- decided that running for the Seattle City Council is a phenomenal idea. In March 2022, Isaiah...

SPLC Informants Once Spied for the FBI, Records Show

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) The FBI has backtracked from a leaked intelligence bulletin that cited Southern Poverty Law Center information to justify targeting “radical-traditionalist Catholics” as potential violent domestic extremists. “While our standard practice is to not comment on specific intelligence products, this particular field office product—disseminated only within the FBI—regarding...

Woke Teacher Forces Students to Share ‘Gender Identity,’ Sexual Orientation

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Tahoma High School English and "World Culture through Film" teacher Hilary Ledford gave her students an assignment, forcing them to tell the rest of the class about their so-called "gender identity," ethnicity, sexual orientation, "ability," religion and class status. "Hilary Ledford has been giving her students assignments...

EXCLUSIVE: Former NATO Insider Rips Soros, Spills on Biden Emboldening Putin on Ukraine War

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) A former top-ranking staffer for NATO's Military Liaison Mission in Moscow confirmed that President Joe Biden's presidency had, indeed, emboldened Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to invade Ukraine, and that the billions being sent to defend it was not all going to the correct place. Gary...

Missouri AG Opens Probe of Gender Clinic after Bombshell Report

(Headline USA) Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey announced this week that his office has launched an investigation into a state gender clinic following a bombshell whistleblower report from a former staffer in the clinic. Bailey said he would be looking into allegations made against the Washington University Transgender Center at...

REPORT: Fetterman Struggles to Understand Colleagues, Hears Cartoon Voices

(Headline USA) Shortly after it was reported that Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., was hospitalized this week, the New York Times published a bombshell report on the extent of Fetterman’s health complications from a stroke he suffered last year. Fetterman still has a difficult time comprehending other people’s speech and also...

Energy Dept.’s Secret Internal Memo May Confirm Gas Stove ‘Conspiracy’

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm met with the CEO of the Rocky Mountain Institute, a leader in the World Economic Forum whose think-tank published research linking childhood asthma to gas stoves, Fox News reported. The bombshell discovery of the memo fueled additional suspicions that the Biden administration...

Staffers Triggered by ‘Power Drunk Tyrant’ James O’Keefe Calling Someone a ‘P***y’

(Headline USA) Employees at Project Veritas complained in an internal memo sent to the company’s board of directors this week that founder James O’Keefe has demonstrated “abusive” behavior toward them. O’Keefe, the head of Project Veritas, allegedly carried out “public crucifixions” on employees who disappointed him, was “outright cruel” to...

Smithsonian Slammed for Kicking Out Christian Kids during March for Life

(Ezekiel Loseke, Headline USA) A group of Catholic students wearing hats in support of saving the lives of unborn babies was booted out of the Smithsonian Institution, prompting a lawsuit and Congressional action from Republicans are investigating the incident. Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, sent a letter to the secretary of the Smithsonian...

Leftist Dark-Money Giant Accused of Racism in Court

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) A large dark-money nonprofit, known as the New Venture Fund, is facing an onslaught of lawsuits with employees claiming they faced racist and discriminatory behavior in the workplace. Former employees allege that the New Venture Fund, which is connected to Arabella Advisors and the Clintons, paid...

Texas Lawsuit Could Help Force Abortion Pills Off the Market

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) A district judge in the state of Texas could soon issue a ruling that would put a temporary injunction on the use of mifepristone, an infanticide pill, across the nation. The lawsuit was initially filed by Alliance Defending Freedom against the United States Food and Drug...
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