Thursday, September 19, 2024


Manchin Supports Hunter Biden Subpoena: ‘This Is Why We Are Where We Are’

'You’re asking me to make the most important decision that I’ve ever made ... and I wanna hear everything I can...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Moderate Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia made clear that the vote---most likely on Friday--- whether to call additional witnesses in the Senate impeachment...

Union Thugs in Calif. Target 12-Yr.-Old Disney Actress

'We’re proud to stand with Aundrea who is standing up for her rights against this shameful bullying by union bosses...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Only a month since a new California law effectively curbed the use of independent contractors and empowered labor unions to tap into the emerging gig economy,...

Bernie Sanders Stews over DNC’s Ploy to Rig Convention w/ Hillary Surrogates

'The DNC should be ashamed of itself, because it really is a slap in the face to folks who were asking for reform...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Top allies of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., a leading contender in the Democratic presidential primary, slammed the Democratic National Committee and its chairman,...

AOC, Dems Attack SCOTUS Decision Against Welfare-Dependent Immigrants

'Under the “public charge” rule, this corrupt Administration will cheat children out of health and nutrition benefits...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Open-borders advocates in Congress tweeted their unhinged reactions after efforts to weaponize the courts against President Donald Trump's immigration policy were dealt another crippling blow on Monday. The U.S. Supreme...

Trump Supporters Respond After Lemon-Led CNN Panel Mocks Them

'They’re doing more to re-elect Trump than any campaign ad...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) CNN’s Don Lemon and NeverTrumper Rick Wilson mocked Trump supporters in a viral clip, in which Wilson called them “the credulous boomer rube demo.” The media hardly ever hides their contempt for @realDonaldTrump supporters but this clip...

Dershowitz Trashes Maxine Waters, House Dems for ‘Lawless’ Impeachment Abuse

'You picked the most dangerous possible criteria to serve as a precedent for how we supervise and oversee future presidents...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Harvard Law emeritus professor Alan Dershowitz---currently part of President Donald Trump's impeachment defense team---trashed contemporary legal scholars and left-wing politicians---including Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.---for recklessly tossing...

Pam Bondi Turns GOP Defense of Trump Back to Bidens’ Corruption

'Maybe there's something here worth raising,' then their case crumbles...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) As impeachment works its way through the Senate, President Trump’s legal team continued its opening arguments on Monday. Pam Bondi, one of Trump’s legal representatives and a former Florida attorney general, turned her attention to Former Vice...

NYC Continues to Release Violent Illegal Aliens Despite ICE’s Requests

'At some point, the lives and safety of the residents of NYC has to matter over the agendas of the politicians...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) New York City’s sanctuary policies continue to endanger citizens, according to immigration officials. The city’s law enforcement refuses to work with federal immigration officials. As a...

STARR: Partisan House Dems Offer Senate an ‘Exit Ramp’ to End the ‘Era of Impeachment’

'Here we have a runaway House. It has run away… from the Constitution’s demand of fundamental fairness...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) In a stirring speech before the U.S. Senate that invoked America's history past, present and future, Kenneth Starr, the former special counsel and current co-counsel on President Donald Trump's...

Hunter Biden Agrees to Pay Undisclosed Amount in Child Support to Ex-Stripper

'If the evidence indicates that the defendant should have paid more in support than the amount set forth in this order, the Court may order that he pay an additional amount...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) After enduring a barrage of damaging disclosures in a child-support case brought by former stripper...

Buttigieg: No Room for Pro-Lifers in Democrat Party

'I support the position of my party that this kind of medical care needs to be available to everyone...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg was grilled at a Fox News town-hall meeting by a pro-life Democrat supporter on whether he believes those who oppose abortion have a...

Senate Republicans Expect to Lose Collins, Romney on Impeachment Witness Vote

'There are a lot of people trying to divine tea leaves...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Senate Republicans expect to lose a few Republicans during the vote on impeachment trial witnesses. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, signaled on Monday that she would join the Democrats during the vote, citing former national security John...
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