Thursday, September 19, 2024


Liberals Blame Iowa Dems’ Primary Caucus Disaster on Racism

'Ninety-one percent of the voters in Iowa are white....' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) MSNBC analyst Zerlina Maxwell argued that the Iowa primary caucus should be done away with — not because the Democratic Party is unable to efficiently organize it, but because the caucus schedule is front-loaded for caucasians. "The Iowa...

Pelosi Faces Backlash, Possible Charges for Ripping SOTU Speech

'I’ve never seen such disgraceful behavior from any other speaker of the house. I was ashamed of you. I used to admire you. No more...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) In the culmination of a series of devastating recent political setbacks for Democrats, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., may have been...

ICE: Charlottesville Released Alleged Child Rapist TWICE, Ignoring Detainer Request

'When we’re talking about the safety of a child, there’s no room to play political games...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The left-wing leaders in Charlottesville, Virginia, were so determined to vanquish the menace of Confederate monuments that they spurred a riotous 2017 clash, which resulted in three lost lives and...

Trump Celebrates American Fighters and Perseverance in State of the Union

‘Unlike so many who came before me, I keep my promises. We did our job…’ (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) To imply that President Donald Trump ever conveyed anything short of confidence would be a mischaracterization unworthy even of CNN’s fake-news reportage. Yet, a year ago, Trump took the podium to deliver...

Iowa Dems Release Partial Results: Buttigieg and Sanders Neck-and-Neck

'I apologize deeply for this...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) After claiming that a "coding" error in an untested app had caused a crash Monday, delaying results in the party's Iowa caucus, Democrats in the Hawkeye State released partial results late Tuesday showing a neck-and-neck race between former mayor Pete Buttigieg...

Joni Ernst Rebuffs Democrats’ Distortions on Joe Biden ‘Impeachment’ Remark

'The door of impeachable whatever has been opened...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, clarified her recent statement that former Vice President Joe Biden could face impeachment charges if elected president, saying her comments had been distorted by the media. “That was taken entirely out of context,” Ernst told...

WATCH: Warren Staffer Blasts Absurd Pronoun Obsession, LGBT Pandering

'This is why we lose elections, because we're zeroing in on s*** like that....' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) A campaign staffer for Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., trashed the presidential candidate’s attempts to pander to the LGBT community in a new video released by Project Veritas, arguing that “no one gives...

Rand Paul Outs Presumed Whistleblower During Senate Floor Speech

'This is a blatant and intentional violation The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) After vowing last week that he would "insist" on acknowledging publicly the identity of presumed whistleblower Eric Ciaramella, Sen. Rand Paul finally got his 15 minutes on Tuesday. With all senators allotted speaking time...

Calls Grow for DNC Chair Tom Perez to Resign

'If you screw Bernie like you did in 2016 I'll be voting for Trump again...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As the disastrous Iowa caucus brought more chaos than clarity to the Democratic nominating contest, calls began to grow in the public sphere for Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez to...

Racist Va. Gov. Ralph ‘Coonman’ Northam Calls for Expanding Black History Month

'Let’s not just do this today, tomorrow, or one month out of the year—but every day. Black history is American history...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Casting aside his days of going by the college nickname "Coonman," posing in racist yearbook photos while a graduate student in medical school and appearing in...

Social Media Reacts to Iowa Debacle w/ Shock, Rage and Humor

'Trump should be removed from office for promoting conspiracy theories and lies about the Iowa primary. He’s sick...' Warning: Contains Profanity (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headline) President Donald Trump gleefully mocked Democrats over the disastrous meltdown of the Iowa caucuses, the first official vote of the election season, after an app crash...

High-School Boy Claims Discrimination After School District Says He Can’t Compete w/ Girls

'We want him to have the opportunity to compete...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) A high-school boy is claiming he was discriminated against after a New York school district told him he could not compete with the female gymnastics team. Westchester County decided 17-year-old Cruz Vernon could no longer be a scoring...
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