Friday, September 20, 2024


GOP Sens. Aim to Block Funds for States that Give Driver’s Licenses to Illegals

'We shouldn’t legitimize those who break our immigration laws by giving them driver licenses...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., introduced a bill this week that would block certain federal funds from states that give driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. Sen. Kevin Cramer, R-N.D., one of the bill's co-sponsors,...

Senate Republicans Break w/ Trump Over Roger Stone Sentencing

'I think the president would be better served by never commenting on a pending federal investigations...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Several congressional Republicans broke with President Donald Trump after he publicly criticized the Justice Department’s sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone, a former Trump adviser and longtime Republican operative, was found...

Wall Street Doesn’t Take Bernie Seriously

'Four more years of Trump means four more years of an overall business-friendly economic agenda of low taxes and light regulation...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Even though self-proclaimed Democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., is now the Democratic front-runner, Wall Street investors don’t seem worried---in part because they don’t think...

Cuomo LIES on MSNBC about DHS Memo to ‘Punish’ Sanctuary States

'Like just about everything BuzzFeed writes it is wildly taken out of context, twisted and shrouded with bias...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was caught in a blatant lie Thursday, claiming on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that a leaked Homeland Security memo expressly sought to "punish" New...

YouTube Removes Video of Rand Paul Naming Suspected Whistleblower

'A chilling and disturbing day in America...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) YouTube removed a video that shows Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., naming the person who many say is the anonymous Ukraine whistleblower on the Senate floor — a move that Paul called “dangerous and politically biased.” The platform said in a statement on...

Tlaib Wants Fed Bailouts for Bankrupt Detroit, Corrupt Puerto Rico

'What I believe is that that’s not a job for the Fed...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell once again dismissed a suggestion from socialist "Squad" members that they could pay for their their costly and wasteful proposals by having the bank print them more money. The absurd...

NH Primary Voters Blame MSNBC’s Negative Coverage for Bernie Support

'What if you can’t win the presidency without an online mob?' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Democratic primary voters are fed up with the liberal media’s hostile coverage of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who is now the front-runner in the race for the Democratic nomination. One New Hampshire voter told MSNBC on...

Pelosi Pivots from Fake Impeachment to Phony Economic Forecast

'We’re just not going to vote for the economy when he's caging children, causing all this racist rhetoric...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) With President Donald Trump's failed impeachment in the rear-view mirror, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is now looking to tear up Democrats' old political playbook, according to Politico. “Impeachment...

Biden-Backing Super PAC Warns of 'Doomsday Scenario' If He Fails

'If Bernie has more delegates, do you really think the Bros will make way for Mike?' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) A super-PAC that supports former Vice President Joe Biden's campaign has issued a warning of a "doomsday scenario" should the former vice president fall out of the presidential race. The Unite...

Virginia Democrats Pass ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, Anti-Confederate Bill

'I do not believe this will end well...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) The Democratic-controlled Virginia House of Delegates passed an “assault weapons” ban on Tuesday, along with a bill that would allow local Virginia governments to remove Confederate monuments in public spaces. The “assault weapons” ban, HB 961, would “make tens...

Dems Demand Investigation Into Trump AGAIN—This Time Over Roger Stone

'It is outrageous that DOJ has deeply damaged the rule of law by withdrawing its recommendation...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Democrats demanded an emergency hearing and investigation into President Donald Trump after he urged the Department of Justice to reconsider prosecutors’ sentence for Roger Stone, one of Trump’s former advisers. Stone...

Vulnerable Dems Threaten to Abandon Ship if Socialist Bernie is Nominee

'Sanders is about the worst candidate we can put up...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) After Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., won the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, vulnerable congressional Democrats raised concerns that Sanders’s extreme proposals could hurt their reelection efforts if he becomes the Democratic nominee. Freshman Rep. Anthony Brindisi, D-N.Y.,...
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