Saturday, June 15, 2024


Feds Raid Top UAW Officials in Probe Reminiscent of Teamsters’ ‘Devil’s Pact’ w/ Mafia

'We have a very anti-union federal government that’s very much out to get them as much as they can...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A four-year investigation into racketeering and corruption involving the United Auto Workers labor union and Fiat Chrysler reached new levels Wednesday with raids on the residences of...

Far-Left Activists Propose Plan to Put More Socialists on Judicial Benches

'Our overall mission is not to get any one person nominated. It’s to get judicial issues more into the marrow of Democratic activists...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Following in the footsteps of President Donald Trump---only backward---activist Democrat organizations have begun compiling their wish-list of future judicial nominees that will help...

Elitist DC Attorneys Fight Dems’ Political Battles for Free to Boost Prestige

'The popularity of the lawsuits ... appear to be perceived as a boon for various firms’ reputations...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) One of the primary plans of attack for Democrats in the Trump era has been legislation by lawsuit. No matter the cause, from immigration to school lunches and everything in...

ICE-Defying NC Sheriff Blames Opponents, Changes Subject

'We are so focused on immigration, we have neglected our community...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Garry McFadden, the sheriff of North Carolina's Charlotte and the surrounding Mecklenburg County, built his career as a homicide detective and even cashed in with a reality television series. But now, the controversial lawman is playing...

Calif. Gun Owners Take Aim at Arbitrary ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

Unconstitutional law 'turns millions of responsible, law-abiding people trying to protect themselves into criminals...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) With a recent ruling in their favor on high-capacity magazines, California gun owners are now firing back against the state's assault weapons ban. A group of San Diego residents on Thursday sued Attorney...

Pa. Gov. Blames ‘White Supremacists’ for Black Drug-Dealer’s Attack on Cops

'We have to do something, something to address the pain and the carnage that far too many of our citizens are dealing with...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Pennsylvania's Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf on Friday became the latest state executive to invoke the Rahm Emanuel Rule: "You never want a serious...

Judicial Watch Documents Reveal Ohrs’ Involvement in Russia Hoax

'Clinton campaign operative Nellie Ohr may as well as have had a desk at the Justice Department...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Judicial Watch released a trove of documents that shed further light on the conspiracy linking the Obama Justice Department with the anti-Trump smear operation, funded by the Hillary Clinton...

Radical Dems Threaten SCOTUS: ‘Heal’ Itself or Face Restructuring

'The Supreme Court is not well. And the people know it...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Some of the most extremist Democrats in the Senate penned a menacing missive to the Supreme Court on Monday demanding that the judiciary take measures to fix itself while voicing disdain for its slight conservative...

ANOTHER Disgraced FBI Spook Sues for Wrongful Termination

'Defendants responded to plaintiff's two decades of unblemished and non-partisan public service with a politically motivated and retaliatory demotion...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe---one of the chief architects of the discredited Russia collusion investigation---has filed suit saying he was unfairly fired last year. McCabe oversaw FBI...

Anti-Death-Penalty Dems Show Absurd Solidarity w/ Child Rapists, Torturers and Racists

'The Trump administration has chosen to join North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, Saudi Arabia’s King Salman and Russia’s Putin in executing their citizens...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The return of federal executions was awkwardly condemned by California Gov. Gavin Newsom and other members of the progressive left---who found themselves bemoaning the...

9th Circuit Lets DOJ Withhold Funds for Sanctuary Cities

'Cooperation relating to enforcement of federal immigration law is in pursuit of the general welfare, and meets the low bar of being germane to the federal interest...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A federal appeals court in California overturned the lower court's injunction that said officials could not withhold funds to...

Trump Judicial Nominees Transform Radically Liberal 9th Circuit

'For too long, liberal activist judges on the Ninth Circuit have been legislating from the bench versus respecting the constitution and rule of law...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The Senate this week is set to vote on confirming Daniel Bress to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals---and, with it, place...
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