Thursday, September 19, 2024


DOJ Seeks Power to Indefinitely Detain Someone During ‘Emergency’

'There is a long history ... of using emergencies as times to really start to encroach upon people’s civil rights and, in fact, this is the time when we need them the absolute most...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) The Justice Department quietly asked Congress to expand its “emergency powers” amid...

Court Overturns Feds’ Land Grab Over Phony ‘Jaguar Habitat’

'It’s not only an abuse of the language---it’s also an abuse of authority...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) A federal appeals court ruled Wednesday that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service illegally designated thousands of acres of land in New Mexico a protected jaguar habitat, despite only a few jaguar sightings...

DOJ Drops Case; There Was No Russian Meddling After All

'The indictment details highly specific allegations ... that Russia made an active, concerted effort to subvert American democracy...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As mainstream media huffed over their lack of credibility in the coronavirus pandemic, one of the many underlying reasons for the skepticism came to light. On Monday, it was...

Baltimore, Philly to Stop Arrests for Nonviolent Crimes Due to Coronavirus

'Now is not the time for a piecemeal approach were we go into court and argue one by one for the release of at-risk individuals...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) The city of Baltimore announced it will stop prosecuting nonviolent crimes, such as drug possession, trespassing, prostitution, attempted distribution and violating...

Border Patrol to Deport Illegals Rather than Return to Sanctuaries for Prosecution

'We have to pick: Federal law or state law'... (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) The new chief of Border Patrol said his agency will not turn over illegal aliens accused of crimes if local law enforcement agencies can’t guarantee the illegals will be returned to Immigration and Customs Enforcement for deportation. This...

McConnell Urges Older Judges to Retire So Trump Can Replace Them

'If you are thinking about quitting this year, do it yesterday...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is reportedly urging older, conservative federal judges to retire so that President Donald Trump can replace their positions with ideological allies. McConnell has been meeting with senior judges to discuss why...

‘Squad’ Member Uses Coronavirus Crisis to Push ‘Compassionate Release’ of Prisoners

'Many incarcerated men and women do not have access to soap, to alcohol-based hand sanitizers, to regular showers...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., a member of Alexandria Ocasio--Cortez’s “Squad,” advocated for the “compassionate release” of prisoners as the coronavirus spreads. "I think now would be the time, to...

Hunter Biden to Skip Child-Support Deposition, Blames Coronavirus and Wife’s Pregnancy

'Setting aside personal endangerment, Defendant reasonably believes that such travel unnecessarily exposes his wife and unborn child to this virus...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Hunter Biden is refusing to travel to Arkansas and appear before court for a child-support deposition this week, citing concerns about the coronavirus and his pregnant...

Court Grants House Democrats Access to Mueller Grand-Jury Materials

'The Committee remains committed to holding the President accountable to the rule of law and preventing improper interference...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) With Ukraine allegations now in the rear-view mirror, partisan House Democrats have returned to a favorite old standby: Russian collusion. The DC Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday ruled...

Hunter Biden Refuses to Turn Over Financial Documents Ahead of Deposition

'he defendant continues to act as though he has no respect for this Court, its orders, the legal process in this state, or the needs of his child for support...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Hunter Biden failed to hand over documents detailing his financial situation to the Arkansas court hearing...

Republican Congressmen Want Investigation Into DHS Whistleblower’s ‘Suicide’

'The evidence that is coming to me indicates that he was murdered...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Republican lawmakers are demanding an investigation into the death of Philip Haney, the former Department of Homeland Security official who blew the whistle on the Obama administration, due to the suspicious nature of Haney’s...

Leftist Lawyer Group Enables Antifa’s Thuggish Activities

'The cops are going to be the ones that are getting f***ing beaten in Milwaukee...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The growing possibility of violence from leftist radicals during the 2020 campaign is bringing under scrutiny the coalition of activist--attorneys dispatched to help groups such as Antifa duck the consequences of...
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