Friday, July 26, 2024


Democrats Unveil Bill Expanding Supreme Court to 13 Justices

(Headline USA) Congressional Democrats introduced a bill on Thursday to increase the U.S. Supreme Court from nine to 13 justices. The bill is led in the Senate by Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., and in the House by Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga. and Rep....

Alaska Denied Oil Revenue Benefit Checks to Same-Sex Couples Despite Court Rulings

(Associated Press) Alaska wrongly denied some same-sex spouses benefits for years by claiming their unions were not recognized even after courts struck down gay marriage bans, court documents obtained by the Associated Press show. The agency that determines eligibility for a yearly oil wealth check paid to nearly all Alaska residents...

Wisc. Supreme Court Says Lockdown-Loving Gov. Can’t Limit Business Capacities

(Headline USA) The Wisconsin Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled that Gov. Tony Evers's administration does not have the authority to issue capacity limits on bars, restaurants and other businesses without the Legislature's approval, a ruling that comes two weeks after the conservative-controlled court struck down the state's mask mandate. The state...

COURT: Ohio Can Ban Abortions Targeting Down Syndrome Children

(Headline USA) A divided federal appeals court lifted the hold Tuesday on an Ohio law that prohibits doctors from performing abortions based on a fetal diagnosis of Down syndrome, a case considered nationally pivotal. The landmark case gives hope to pro-life advocates that the discriminatory treatment of down syndrome children...

Expert Says Chauvin was Justified in Pinning Down George Floyd

(Associated Press) Former Officer Derek Chauvin was justified in pinning George Floyd to the ground because he kept struggling, a use-of-force expert testified for the defense Tuesday. Taking the stand at Chauvin's murder trial, Barry Brodd, a former Santa Rosa, California, officer, stoutly defended Chauvin's actions, even as a prosecutor...

Pelosi and Schiff Argue Congress Can Secretly Record Your Calls

Attorneys for House Intelligence Chair Adam Schiff and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, both California Democrats, argued that Congress can secretly record the phone calls of private citizens, according to a revealing court transcript released by Judicial Watch. The government transparency and accountability watchdog filed suit to obtain information about Schiff's...

SCOTUS: California Can’t Use COVID to Shut Down Bible Studies

(Headline USA) The Supreme Court rejected California's rules restricting Americans' first amendment rights to practice religious gatherings in their homes. The order from the court late Friday is the latest in a recent string of cases in which the high court has barred officials from enforcing some coronavirus-related restrictions applying...

Biden Creates Commission for Preordained ‘Study’ to Pack Supreme Court

(Headline USA) President Joe Biden on Friday ordered a study of adding seats to the Supreme Court, creating a commission led by two former lawyers in the Obama administration, that will spend the next six months examining the politically incendiary issues of expanding the court and instituting term limits for...

9th Circuit Blocks GOP-Led States from Challenging Biden’s Immigration Changes

(Headline USA) A federal appeals court in California refused Thursday to permit 14 states led by Republican governors to challenge the overturning of a Trump-era immigration rule affecting hundreds of thousands of people. A panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 against permitting intervention by the states,...

Judge Tosses Former ‘Throuple’ Rep. Katie Hill’s Lawsuit Against Tabloid

(Headline USA) A lawsuit by former U.S. Rep. Katie Hill of California against the Daily Mail was dismissed Wednesday by a judge who said the tabloid was protected under the First Amendment when it published nude photos of her. Judge Yolanda Orozco wrote in her decision that she accepted the Daily...

Judge: School’s Eviction of Christian Ministry ‘Obviously Odious to the Constitution’

Wayne State University acted in a way "obviously odious to the Constitution" when it kicked InterVarsity Christian Fellowship off campus for only recruiting Christian leaders, a federal judge ruled on Monday. IVCF is a Christian campus ministry, and though they minister to non-Christians, they want their own leaders to be...

Mo. Supreme Court: Keep Radical St. Louis DA Off McCloskeys’ Case

The Missouri Supreme Court upheld a ruling from a lower court removing St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner from the case against Mark and Patricia McCloskey, a couple who made headlines after brandishing firearms to ward off a mob of marauding protesters who trespassed in their gated community and...
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