Friday, July 26, 2024

Biden Continues Campaign of Insults and Snubs to Maui Wildfire Survivors

'The utter contempt this government has for the American people is absolutely disgusting... '

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) The Biden administration put on a double-bill display of its utter disregard and contempt for Maui wildfire survivors and victims, while the snoozer-in-chief prepared for the grueling exertions of yet another vacation.

In a continued insult to victims who are still struggling to find loved ones among the ashes while trying to rebuild their lives and homes, Biden’s Federal Emergency Management Administration offered a bureaucratic, jargon-filled defense of the White House’s response to the tragedy.

Asked during a Wednesday press briefing if the administration had any plans to increase what was widely panned as an insulting $700 per household in emergency assistance, compared to the high cost of living on the island and the continued inflationary impacts of Bidenomics, the bottomline answer was not any time soon.

 “The 700 figure, critical needs assistance, is really just that amount of funding for some of the very immediate needs that individuals have,” FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell said, before launching into a bureaucratic explanation about how the rate adjusts annually based on inflation and can run upwards of $40,000 per household. But Maui residents shouldn’t expect anything else anytime soon.

The chump change Biden has sprinkled on survivors and news that the penny pinching would continue received a fierce public backlash.

“Our government is putting FEMA officials up in a $1,000 per night luxury hotel in Maui. They’re sending billions weekly to Ukraine. Illegals get five-star luxury hotels in New York City,” wrote political strategist podcaster Joey Mannarino.

“Yet the Hawaiians who lost everything got $700 and Joe Biden dozing off listening to their officials brief him on the damage. Marie Antoinette treated her subjects better than this government treats us.”

One islander who had been left destitute by the wildfires had a crystal clear message for the Biden administration’s insulting $700 payoff.

“I have no money anymore. I think Joe Biden should take his $700 and get back on the fucking plane and go home,” the local fumed.

“The utter contempt this government has for the American people is absolutely disgusting,” Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., said in response to Biden’s shameful Maui response.

The contempt continued with efforts from White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre, who insisted during a Wednesday press briefing that the disaster response had been strong and effective.

While offering the administration credit for a “robust” hurricane response, Fox News Peter Doocy wondered “did you guys realize the initial Hawaii wildfire response was not that good? Or is it just easier for people to get help from the White House when the president is not on vacation?”

The question threw the insurrectionist mouthpiece into a gaslighting frenzy, who claimed, “Your question is wrong, is flawed, in many, many ways.”

The president had reacted to the wildfires in record time, she claimed, with an admonishment to “Let’s not forget, there were more than 600 federal employees on the ground” ready to assist.”

That likely did little to assuage the grief and mounting troubles for Maui residents.

“I haven’t had anybody call me back,” said the same resident who offered travel tips to the president. “We haven’t had anything. Everybody feels that way.”

Mark Pellin is an editor at Headline USA. Follow him at twitter.com/sabrepaw70.

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