Sunday, October 13, 2024

Biden-Harris Regime Targets Emotional Border Agent Who Cried Over Riley’s Death

'The revocation of your authority to carry a Government-issued firearm will remain in place...'

(Luis CornelioHeadline USA) A Border Patrol whistleblower featured in James O’Keefe’s latest film Line In The Sand has been targeted by a federal investigation over his heartfelt involvement in the project. 

Border Patrol Agent Zachary Apotheker broke down in tears while recounting how the federal government failed Laken Riley, a beloved Georgia nursing student who was brutally killed by an illegal alien earlier this year. 

In response to his appearance, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) launched an investigation into the agent, demanding specific information about his comments and whether O’Keefe compensated him. 

In a follow-up letter, CBP revoked his government-issued firearm pending the investigation. “The revocation of your authority to carry a Government-issued firearm will remain in place until CBP has received information that cures the concerns forming the basis for the temporary revocation, including, but not limited to the favorable outcome of of any internal investigation,” CBP wrote in the Oct. 11 letter.

CBP sought to answer questions such as whether he was in a CBP-issued uniform and the timing of the interview. According to a letter released by O’Keefe on Oct. 10, they are also investigating whether the footage was recorded on government property. 

In the video, Apotheker spoke about Riley, implying that the federal government bore responsibility for her murder, allegedly at the hands of Venezuelan national Jose Ibarra. 

“When a girl like Laken Riley is jogging. She’s top of her class at nursing and we signed those f***ing files, man. That’s blood on our hands. That’s blood in your hands,” Apotheker affirmed. “And that’s a joke to you, maybe keep collecting that check. Let me ask you this, if it was your father, or your sister, or your aunt, how would you feel.” 

O’Keefe’s film was published on the Tucker Carlson Network on Oct. 10.

“Experience James O’Keefe’s bold, first-hand documentation of life on the front lines—riding Mexican freight trains, exploring cartel tunnels, and visiting U.S.-funded child detention camps,” the film’s description read. “Line in the Sand is a gripping exposé of a corrupted system and demands change.” 

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